Ah what a shame - I was starting to wonder if I'd imagined seeing you join the warmup!
Sorry about riding off Bill. I was feeling really good today for some reason - maybe had a friendly day from bkool as well, I don't know. I stayed to draft with you for a bit, but eventually thought I would push on and see what happened and in contrast to the last 3 or 4 races I felt full of energy till the end!
Yep, I logged in, saw you and Bill in your FDJ kit and thought this looks like a drafting day so I'll go get changed in to my French kit so we look like a Pro Team chugging along but whatever I did it wouldn't load again and eventually it was quarter past so no chance of even getting near you two so I opted for WC Stage 13, Paris Nice.
Well all I can say is despite my concern of not having a woodruff key I have obviously 'fixed' my turbo.
I did change the stepper motor so that might have been it.
I was racing with ghosts of MikMak, Thomas R and Hawk.
I flew of from the start with the old super start and was going that quick it was embarrassing so thinking my resistance was still duff I backed off but then MikMak flew past.
I was then being pushed all the way up the first climb by Thomas and Hawk joined in as well but MiKMak was just flying away, 2.5 minutes by the top of the first climb.
By the time we got to the descent I was still with Thomas R but I needed to recover.
He descended slightly faster than me but I knew if I put a burst in to catch him I would cook myself.
A kind dammed if you don't dammed if you do.
Anyway by the final climb Hawk had dropped away and Thomas R and I were still seconds apart but he just slowly pulled away from me especially as the climb got steeper (I think it was a Pro vs Classic thing).
The good news was that he was catching MikMak and I was not dropping way as quick as he was catching.
I ended up 46 seconds down on Thomas R and 1:56 down on MikMak.
My average power was 385 watts so its looks about right.
Bad news was I got a tight chest again but after the session this time.
I kept chugging over warming down and then it just went as quick as a flash.
There are lots of little things going on with my well being despite managing to pump 380 watts for 40 minutes so I might just go and book that chat with the Doc that I keep putting off because I am not actually dying or in pain.
PS: It does amaze me the watts some of these guys above me can push going downhill.
I always so bushed from the climbs that I have to back off going down(hill).
PSPS: Is no one else worried that they don't have a woodruff key?