Well, I've got telly back! NT and I got in at 4.15, I went to have a shower and when I came out the telly was on. And what had my marvellous love done to fix it?
Pressed the on button. The same on button that steadfastly refused to work for me, even after I took the remote apart to check inside it.
Bah. But also. Yay!
I've felt rotten with cold all day, not helped by getting into work to find that although I'd plugged Beryl in to her charger last night, she hadn't charged, because someone had unplugged the charger from the wall. I know who, I reckon, and they'll get a word next week!
However, despite not getting her dinner last night, she gamely did the morning round on what was left of her charge, and then had a long lunch.
Once I'd got in from work and had

I felt a bit more human, so we went out for a beer, and a chinese meal out.
It's Apple Day at St Nicks tomorrow, so we'll be supervising pedal powered smoothies all afternoon.