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N Ireland
Happy New Year. May your 2024 be better than your 2023 :cheers:


Grimpeur des terrains plats


N Ireland
The same for thee n'thine, and hoping yours will be as good as possible.

Mrs B had an horrendous 2023 (4 different hospitals and 2 different care homes) with some appalling care in some places. I got very angry watching it all so went in with all guns blazing to seek her discharge from the Mental Health Order restrictions.

Mrs B is deemed to require nursing care but a place could not be provided so I insisted on her return to my care. She has been home since 29th Nov and we are both very happy. I now know she is getting the care she deserves/needs. It's very hard work, 24/7, but it's a labour of love.

I have to say that I enjoyed venting my anger by tearing strips off Social Workers, Drs and Consultants. I didn't take prisoners and I couldn't care less about any bruised ego's left in my wake as they deserved everything I said about them!

The night I brought Mrs B home was a bit of a laugh as our cat was so pleased to see her it went bat sh;t crazy around the house and has stuck close to her since then. I know 2024 will be a better year for us, annus mirabilis, rather than annus horribilis.^_^^_^


Leg End Member
Mrs B had an horrendous 2023 (4 different hospitals and 2 different care homes) with some appalling care in some places. I got very angry watching it all so went in with all guns blazing to seek her discharge from the Mental Health Order restrictions.

Mrs B is deemed to require nursing care but a place could not be provided so I insisted on her return to my care. She has been home since 29th Nov and we are both very happy. I now know she is getting the care she deserves/needs. It's very hard work, 24/7, but it's a labour of love.

I have to say that I enjoyed venting my anger by tearing strips off Social Workers, Drs and Consultants. I didn't take prisoners and I couldn't care less about any bruised ego's left in my wake as they deserved everything I said about them!

The night I brought Mrs B home was a bit of a laugh as our cat was so pleased to see her it went bat sh;t crazy around the house and has stuck close to her since then. I know 2024 will be a better year for us, annus mirabilis, rather than annus horribilis.^_^^_^
I'm sorry to read that first part. You think they do their best for the patient, and then find out their best is horrendous. This next bit is more a reflection on what she was in hospital/care under, but I thought we'd long since moved past that sort of treatment. It seems that old values still live on in some folk. Sheesh...

I've an idea what it felt like with regards the going in all guns blazing part. And how it left you feeling. I've done similar once, a few "experts" are no longer allowed to practice. They're the experts, you've just walked in off the street, what could you know that they don't attitude does them no favours.

Hope the cat has calmed down a bit now though. Here's to 2024, and the hope that things improve in some ways, where possible, for the three of you.
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