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Leg End Member
Like I said previously
I got pins from the blood mob for donating way back..
wind assisted? aye, wind is at the back of you remember...
It would be more a guft of wind not gust...

Young 'un slept all night (great for granny)
and is now goo goo gaga'ing to her wee hearts content...
dibdib hut tonight methinks..
You don't like needles but you gave blood. That's not doing too bad, considering.
Unless you're riding into it.
A guft of wind at just the moment...

And yerssen, no doubt.
You pulling faces again. The wind changes direction it'll stay like that.

Question for yerssen now, so bat hat on for this one.
Not heard this before this morning, but you might know it. Instead of just the short high pitched screech, repeated, these had a very short, high pitched, screech that then tailed off. Repeated.

A bit dark when I looked and unable to say which ones were doing it.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You sure about that last part?
Ho deeee hoooooooooooo :cuppa:
You don't like needles but you gave blood. That's not doing too bad, considering.
Unless you're riding into it.
A guft of wind at just the moment...

And yerssen, no doubt.
You pulling faces again. The wind changes direction it'll stay like that.

Question for yerssen now, so bat hat on for this one.
Not heard this before this morning, but you might know it. Instead of just the short high pitched screech, repeated, these had a very short, high pitched, screech that then tailed off. Repeated.

A bit dark when I looked and unable to say which ones were doing it.
I've only ever id'ed three types of bat, soprano and common pipistrelle and a noctule..
see youtube for id'ing...
I'm not au fiat with Yorkshire bats, only Sir Geoff, Norah and Wally BATty.....
I'll get my coat for that 'un.......

even funnier was I fainted twice my first 'donation',
it was a Thurs evening and I'd have been late for Top of the Pops, I was told to sit longer as it was my first time but Bob no listen.


Leg End Member
Ho deeee hoooooooooooo :cuppa:

I've only ever id'ed three types of bat, soprano and common pipistrelle and a noctule..
see youtube for id'ing...
I'm not au fiat with Yorkshire bats, only Sir Geoff, Norah and Wally BATty.....
I'll get my coat for that 'un.......

even funnier was I fainted twice my first 'donation',
it was a Thurs evening and I'd have been late for Top of the Pops, I was told to sit longer as it was my first time but Bob no listen.
First time I'd heard that type of screeching, thought I'd ask "Bob The Batman" if he might know.
They'd be small, dark brown to black. Narrows it down a bit, but not much.
You need a coite, you cold!

Not while they were still taking the blood from you?
Top of the pops, would put it around 7:30 pm. Who were you hoping to catch/not wanting to miss.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
First time I'd heard that type of screeching, thought I'd ask "Bob The Batman" if he might know.
They'd be small, dark brown to black. Narrows it down a bit, but not much.
You need a coite, you cold!

Not while they were still taking the blood from you?
Top of the pops, would put it around 7:30 pm. Who were you hoping to catch/not wanting to miss.

Early 70s, about 20 to 30 of us would meet up in t'pub for TOTP....
Young and thought I was 'yeah, I'm okay':cuppa:
I gave blood a second time at work and had to lie for an hour after that but after that is was 'here's my arm, take what you need'..
the pin(s) must be here somewhere....

Still all over the place at wither to get a slightly better detector but some :eek:prices of them about, I only want a basic like magenta..tbh not much on line to be fair..
'season' ends soon so will mull over the winter..


Leg End Member
Early 70s, about 20 to 30 of us would meet up in t'pub for TOTP....
Young and thought I was 'yeah, I'm okay':cuppa:
I gave blood a second time at work and had to lie for an hour after that but after that is was 'here's my arm, take what you need'..
the pin(s) must be here somewhere....

Still all over the place at wither to get a slightly better detector but some :eek:prices of them about, I only want a basic like magenta..tbh not much on line to be fair..
'season' ends soon so will mull over the winter..
TOTP's in a pub. Could you imagine that happening these days?
Laid low by someone taking summat you were giving them. You get paid for lying down on the job. Fair play for doing it though.
Go looking for something else, then they'll turn up.

Metal detector?
Usually the middle of this month when new stock for the last quarter starts hitting the shelves. Can't see the old stuff being that much cheaper, everyone will be doing the same, waiting for the price on old stock to drop.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
TOTP's in a pub. Could you imagine that happening these days?
Laid low by someone taking summat you were giving them. You get paid for lying down on the job. Fair play for doing it though.
Go looking for something else, then they'll turn up.

Metal detector?
Usually the middle of this month when new stock for the last quarter starts hitting the shelves. Can't see the old stuff being that much cheaper, everyone will be doing the same, waiting for the price on old stock to drop.

Always fancied metal detecting..
at one point had asked quite a few farmers after I retired for permissions but they were not keen, I soon thought not worth keeping asking as you need more than one place to keep targeting, local factory unit has the franchise for one or two makes but nah, I'll pass now. Bannockburn just up the road too :laugh:
Funny, some folk will talk to you if out doing it and about 50% just ignore you..no one offering to teach you etc etc..

I meant a Bat detector...
six months use, they'll slowing down for the winter next month..
we'll see.

pubs in the faded seaside resort I stayed in at the time would have killed for 20/30 folk in their pub on a winter Thurs evening..
17 or 18p a pint.....
5 pints and enough for a poke of chips to enjoy on the way home:cuppa:
(circa 50 years ago)


Leg End Member
Always fancied metal detecting..
at one point had asked quite a few farmers after I retired for permissions but they were not keen, I soon thought not worth keeping asking as you need more than one place to keep targeting, local factory unit has the franchise for one or two makes but nah, I'll pass now. Bannockburn just up the road too :laugh:
Funny, some folk will talk to you if out doing it and about 50% just ignore you..no one offering to teach you etc etc..

I meant a Bat detector...
six months use, they'll slowing down for the winter next month..
we'll see.

pubs in the faded seaside resort I stayed in at the time would have killed for 20/30 folk in their pub on a winter Thurs evening..
17 or 18p a pint.....
5 pints and enough for a poke of chips to enjoy on the way home:cuppa:
(circa 50 years ago)
There's a few sites within walking distance I wouldn't mind trying. Three are listed monuments(?) so can't be touched. Another is a Civil War battle site. Not as well known as Bannockburn though. Yorkshire water the owners, and they will only allow proper digs to take place, which is fair enough.
I do have permission to do a fair sized piece of land, now almost empty of houses, with an interesting history behind what was there.

You use a detector! What's wrong with eyes and ears on a quiet night. Then the recording device when you've found them.
Offer to do a review on it, on a social media site. See if they'll knock the price down for you.

Probably would have, a seaside holiday camp isn't a popular winter destination.
You walked after five pints, to the chippy?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
There's a few sites within walking distance I wouldn't mind trying. Three are listed monuments(?) so can't be touched. Another is a Civil War battle site. Not as well known as Bannockburn though. Yorkshire water the owners, and they will only allow proper digs to take place, which is fair enough.
I do have permission to do a fair sized piece of land, now almost empty of houses, with an interesting history behind what was there.

You use a detector! What's wrong with eyes and ears on a quiet night. Then the recording device when you've found them.
Offer to do a review on it, on a social media site. See if they'll knock the price down for you.

Probably would have, a seaside holiday camp isn't a popular winter destination.
You walked after five pints, to the chippy?

I can hear a pin drop a fair distance away only problem now is, all sound comes at me at the same loudness.
If I'm at the dib dib place, I have to move sometimes to have a conversation..
Question, remember the old dark glass screwtop bottles you got ciders in, Woodpecker, Strongbow, Old English and I'm trying to remember the other. One thump on yer napper and you'd pass..
Was it two pints they held?
my dad used to buy me one on a Fri evening...
Baseball almost rained off..
started at 9.40 so late night unless they get stuffed early.

For some reason , Newky Brown would make me so peed, I'd wake up in strange places..no difference in strength than most beers but this syrupy stuff just wrecked me for some reason.....
Screenshot 2023-09-09 220848.jpg

Used to be a phone box here, 8 miles out of town..
woke up at 4 am wondering how I got there :scratch:
Newky Broon to blame..

Sitting giving the wee yin her tea and heard a low level jet going by and it was a solitary red arrow, about five mins later, ran out and saw five in arrowhead formation passing over at under 2,000 ft, phone was upstairs but hey brill...
I'm away back to the rounders


Leg End Member
I can hear a pin drop a fair distance away only problem now is, all sound comes at me at the same loudness.
If I'm at the dib dib place, I have to move sometimes to have a conversation..
Question, remember the old dark glass screwtop bottles you got ciders in, Woodpecker, Strongbow, Old English and I'm trying to remember the other. One thump on yer napper and you'd pass..
Was it two pints they held?
my dad used to buy me one on a Fri evening...
Baseball almost rained off..
started at 9.40 so late night unless they get stuffed early.

For some reason , Newky Brown would make me so peed, I'd wake up in strange places..no difference in strength than most beers but this syrupy stuff just wrecked me for some reason.....
View attachment 705894
Used to be a phone box here, 8 miles out of town..
woke up at 4 am wondering how I got there :scratch:
Newky Broon to blame..

Sitting giving the wee yin her tea and heard a low level jet going by and it was a solitary red arrow, about five mins later, ran out and saw five in arrowhead formation passing over at under 2,000 ft, phone was upstairs but hey brill...
I'm away back to the rounders
Still hear it when it lands on a carpet!
what's your frequency range like though. You've no real need of a bat detector, other than to explain how you heard someone.
Aye, a quart bottle. Went metric and became a litre.
Were you old enough to drink at the time, does that explain you liking the drink.
Rain! Are you still dreaming of the time when that cold stuff will fall near you.
They don't call the game off for a bit of rain do they.

Underhand work, they get you liking the stuff, then the effects hit you later, once they have you. Guinness has a similar effect on some folk. Even the one pint.
They nick owt these days. Even if it is fastened down.
No strange light(s) in the sky, missing/lost time? Did you walk, or get a lift home from there.

No sign of the other three?
Does giving her her tea absolve you from nighttime bottle duties. Or if the game goes on, does it mean you're automatically drawn up for bottle duties.
Enjoy the game!!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Still hear it when it lands on a carpet!
what's your frequency range like though. You've no real need of a bat detector, other than to explain how you heard someone.
Aye, a quart bottle. Went metric and became a litre.
Were you old enough to drink at the time, does that explain you liking the drink.
Rain! Are you still dreaming of the time when that cold stuff will fall near you.
They don't call the game off for a bit of rain do they.

Underhand work, they get you liking the stuff, then the effects hit you later, once they have you. Guinness has a similar effect on some folk. Even the one pint.
They nick owt these days. Even if it is fastened down.
No strange light(s) in the sky, missing/lost time? Did you walk, or get a lift home from there.

No sign of the other three?
Does giving her her tea absolve you from nighttime bottle duties. Or if the game goes on, does it mean you're automatically drawn up for bottle duties.
Enjoy the game!!

Wot u say?
Pins dropping everywhere:laugh:
Funnily I find some phone calls on the landline, certain accents are beating me now, mobile seems okay..
must be the way the incoming call is 'mixed'..

No I was well below age:laugh:
I preferred Woodpecker in those days..
I'm a dry cider man now...
got three bottles from someone recently and popped one open last night,
very like Old English but weaker but the 'aroma' was like that country smell.....
I would drink again.
I do prefer the blended stuff like Strongbow (cases to Bob in Scotland please....address by request on PM..)
Like Gin, the established ones are best (one or two 'specialist' like Kew Organic are fab)
Jeez, I've studied booze over 60 years:laugh:

I gave when it all fell apart..
off to chase the world..
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