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Leg End Member
Chaos himself appears this afternoon for a little while..
I will rest until then,
rain will kinda stop any play today..

having a late breakfast :cuppa:
Thought you were chaos?
Why not, you might need all your strength later.
Dry here at present, with the sun even trying to get through.

How did you manage to survive.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Did you buy a lottery ticket? What's wrong with stale crusts and water.

Yes, they're stale and it is wet..
Wholemeal pan and milk mucho better..

Thought you were chaos?
Why not, you might need all your strength later.
Dry here at present, with the sun even trying to get through.

How did you manage to survive.

Nothing wrong with a bit of chaos...

been a wat day here..
promises of dryness tomorrow but we'll see....


Leg End Member
Yes, they're stale and it is wet..
Wholemeal pan and milk mucho better..

Nothing wrong with a bit of chaos...

been a wat day here..
promises of dryness tomorrow but we'll see....
Nowt wrong with "corporation pop".
Fresh bread and the white stuff! You been behaving yerssen.

Can you handle the chaos?

Much the same here, and showing no sign of improving overnight.
More of the same as today, tomorrow here.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Nowt wrong with "corporation pop".
Fresh bread and the white stuff! You been behaving yerssen.

Can you handle the chaos?

Much the same here, and showing no sign of improving overnight.
More of the same as today, tomorrow here.

I have to now look at what I'm eating..
normally it would be shovelled down and no looking...
I'm under strict supervision:ohmy:

but they can't look all of the time


Leg End Member
Good mor....sorry afternoon :hello:
Out for an awfy short cycle on Polly who was 10 yesterday...
Strange day, brisk, dry and occasionally sunny..
See, chaos is taking over
Enjoy the ride. What'd you get her, new tyres?
Breezy with the occasional rain shower. They said it were going to be dry!
Usual sort.


Leg End Member
I have to now look at what I'm eating..
normally it would be shovelled down and no looking...
I'm under strict supervision:ohmy:

but they can't look all of the time
Makes things awkward.
Hopefully it'll settle down soon, then maybe...
Da Boss keeping an eye on you?

Maybe that's why the Young Un was round at your place. An extra set of eyes.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Hello :hello:
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