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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Nothing at all wrong with a bit of confusion. I mean I keep myself in a constant state of confusion. Means even I don't know what's going on!
Maybe, if you do, promise you'll explain it all.

Roughly similar temp. down here. With a bit of heavy rain as an added extra.
B.C. not S C.?
Maybe they'll refund you what you should have paid this year, and tell you you're up to date. Don't worry, it'll sort itself out, sometime.
Could be a computer error.

Confusion ? me, confused?
or even lucid?
I dunno..

maybe maybe not..

SC is part of BC..
assume Mon will be pay them day... it is handy.

Just under 6c, was breezy with 8mm rain...

Off to ra'hut...


Leg End Member
Good evening/afternoon/mooring :hello:
Busy Bob...
been there and there and even there too:cuppa:
Evening will do me, for now.
Doing owt or nowt.
We must have passed at least once then. I've been here, there, n'everywhere!


Leg End Member
MConfusion ? me, confused?
or even lucid?
I dunno..

maybe maybe not..

SC is part of BC..
assume Mon will be pay them day... it is handy.

Just under 6c, was breezy with 8mm rain...

Off to ra'hut...
Well if you dunno, how am I supposed to know?

Could be...

It is!!
And if you get another refund in the meantime, what'll you do.

Reached double figures down here on the temperature front. Rain, you're ahead.

You didn't forget the biscuits did you?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Well if you dunno, how am I supposed to know?

Could be...

It is!!
And if you get another refund in the meantime, what'll you do.

Reached double figures down here on the temperature front. Rain, you're ahead.

You didn't forget the biscuits did you?

Only biscuits with less sugar now.....less than 5gms in 100 gms :cuppa:
The good biscuits:hello:

9.1c our highest..
it's on the net as IDenny14..

back earlier from da hut, standing room only.


Leg End Member
Only biscuits with less sugar now.....less than 5gms in 100 gms :cuppa:
The good biscuits:hello:

9.1c our highest..
it's on the net as IDenny14..

back earlier from da hut, standing room only.
Yer cutting back on the sugar, not the biscuits?
Ooh, which were?

Did you leave yer biscuits there, for next time you go, or bring them home.


Leg End Member
Nope, choccy is out..

in OTHER news,
Polly and I got reunited for a local, easy spin..
8 miles..
First time since early Nov..
pegs are like lead now :laugh:
Young Un gets yer chocolate stash then!

How does Polly feel about the reunion?
They'll make it easier staying upright.


Leg End Member
I'll give her a wash down tomorrow if it stays dry...
Mrs M has plans before Beag arrives..
Looks like catching up on Cyclocross tonight..
I bet you had a wash down when you came back. Even if it was just a bucket of water thrown over you at the door.
Has she let you in on them, just to avoid anything going wrong.
Feet up night then.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good afternoon/evening/morning :hello:

Out doing the shoppy thing...
inflation? I think the feckers are being kinda coy with the REAL figure...
We were enjoying the wx that much we took a detour, someone turned left instead of straight on:cuppa:
and missed the femme's cyclocross..
enjoy your day....

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I bet you had a wash down when you came back. Even if it was just a bucket of water thrown over you at the door.
Has she let you in on them, just to avoid anything going wrong.
Feet up night then.

A civilised wash down...
mind you a bucketful could save lots of bother..

Just getting prepared for 48 hours of mayhem


Leg End Member
Good afternoon/evening/morning :hello:

Out doing the shoppy thing...
inflation? I think the feckers are being kinda coy with the REAL figure...
We were enjoying the wx that much we took a detour, someone turned left instead of straight on:cuppa:
and missed the femme's cyclocross..
enjoy your day....

You get what you wanted when out doing the shoppy thing?
You want the truth, you can't handle the truth...", nor can "they".
Enjoying the weather, you got sunshine and blue skies or summat.
On the telly or summat local that you could see live?


Leg End Member
A civilised wash down...
mind you a bucketful could save lots of bother..

Just getting prepared for 48 hours of mayhem
Not that dirty when you got back then, as in you were allowed straight back in.
Could have created others though.

You hitting the road again, off in yer travels. It won't be that bad...
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