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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good day:hello:
First time out on the bike in ...... weeks (6, 7, 8 ?)
and did a local 10 miles, woodland, river paths etc..

and I'm beat..
I felt that and sitting here hoping the tendon hasn't ..
seems okay so far.....

I'd have had a nap:laugh:
but someone stripped the bed:blush:

Off to recover.....


Leg End Member
Good day:hello:
First time out on the bike in ...... weeks (6, 7, 8 ?)
and did a local 10 miles, woodland, river paths etc..

and I'm beat..
I felt that and sitting here hoping the tendon hasn't ..
seems okay so far.....

I'd have had a nap:laugh:
but someone stripped the bed:blush:

Off to recover.....
How'd you find the time to get out on yer bike. Hope it wasn't a case of a bowl of water thrown over you before being allowed back in home, and a proper wash/shower.

You'll have to repeat for the full benefit, maybe tomorrow?

What tha do to the tendon?

Plonk yerssen down on the settee, in the absence of a bed to rest yer weary bones. Refuse to move, unless given sufficient incentive...

Tha'll do the Three "R's"?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
How'd you find the time to get out on yer bike. Hope it wasn't a case of a bowl of water thrown over you before being allowed back in home, and a proper wash/shower.

You'll have to repeat for the full benefit, maybe tomorrow?

What tha do to the tendon?

Plonk yerssen down on the settee, in the absence of a bed to rest yer weary bones. Refuse to move, unless given sufficient incentive...

Tha'll do the Three "R's"?

I felt that short run today:cuppa:
Nah, maybe Tooosday, maybe Wodensday, maybe not:ohmy:

Halfway to the top from the last gate..

(pic from a previous visit)....
then I aggravated it further, stepping off a chair..
and boy, I felt that....
It happened last Nov on Scald Law..
Think there is a hint in this ?

had enough...
Pressie shopping tomorrow:laugh:


Leg End Member
I felt that short run today:cuppa:
Nah, maybe Tooosday, maybe Wodensday, maybe not:ohmy:

Halfway to the top from the last gate..
View attachment 669404
(pic from a previous visit)....
then I aggravated it further, stepping off a chair..
and boy, I felt that....
It happened last Nov on Scald Law..
Think there is a hint in this ?

had enough...
Pressie shopping tomorrow:laugh:
If it were yer first ride for a while, you'd feel it. More than if it were just another ride.
The ride will come, don't worry.

Is that where you lost or found the tendon?
You never made it to the top this time then. Stepping off a chair, after you fell off. Don't go near chairs is my advice to you. They sound dangerous.

Whose money is being spent for presents tomorrow? And will you get to see what you be getting.

Rest tha weary leg.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Braw sunny but crisp day out(earlier) although with the sun out now , 12c..
Beag with us today....
If it were yer first ride for a while, you'd feel it. More than if it were just another ride.
The ride will come, don't worry.

Is that where you lost or found the tendon?
You never made it to the top this time then. Stepping off a chair, after you fell off. Don't go near chairs is my advice to you. They sound dangerous.

Whose money is being spent for presents tomorrow? And will you get to see what you be getting.

Rest tha weary leg.

Obviously mine:laugh:
Some stuff got for pressies
and more pansies for my daughters wee pots...
I haven't even finished my tubs etc, maybe this afternoon or more likely not..

I made the top of the hill, not carrying my radio gear all that way, gingerly descended...glad I did it the easy way, I did it 'directissimo' the first, I knew about the tourist path too.


Leg End Member
Braw sunny but crisp day out(earlier) although with the sun out now , 12c..
Beag with us today....

Obviously mine:laugh:
Some stuff got for pressies
and more pansies for my daughters wee pots...
I haven't even finished my tubs etc, maybe this afternoon or more likely not..

I made the top of the hill, not carrying my radio gear all that way, gingerly descended...glad I did it the easy way, I did it 'directissimo' the first, I knew about the tourist path too.
'Ello sport, owdo
We've the sun out here as well. What's going on? Don't think it's that warm ere.
You're going shopping, for pressies as well, why wouldn't he be with you!
Get him the Action Man Deserter.

You can't spend your money on a present for yourself, it's unlucky.
More pansies! Did you get yer coffee?

I'm in the more likely not camp.

You let it walk up on its own?
Yer leg holding out then.

And, whilst lying awake in bed in the early hours, the thought struck me. "Why do you need to go shopping? You do everything online!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
'Ello sport, owdo
We've the sun out here as well. What's going on? Don't think it's that warm ere.
You're going shopping, for pressies as well, why wouldn't he be with you!
Get him the Action Man Deserter.

You can't spend your money on a present for yourself, it's unlucky.
More pansies! Did you get yer coffee?

I'm in the more likely not camp.

You let it walk up on its own?
Yer leg holding out then.

And, whilst lying awake in bed in the early hours, the thought struck me. "Why do you need to go shopping? You do everything online!

a very large cappuccino (and before 11am as well, see Italy)
I took Beag and wandered around the outdoor plant area..
I look after my youngest's tubs and pots at her house, pansies are just ideal.
I'll get mine finished tomorrow...
a strip around the wee triangle bed.
One tub to do...
We already have his pressies...


Leg End Member
a very large cappuccino (and before 11am as well, see Italy)
I took Beag and wandered around the outdoor plant area..
I look after my youngest's tubs and pots at her house, pansies are just ideal.
I'll get mine finished tomorrow...
a strip around the wee triangle bed.
One tub to do...
We already have his pressies...
A large cappoccino, who bought you that? Does it put you into caffeine overload for the day.
Any suitable sized pots to plant him in?
You teaching him how to look after the garden plants.
Paid for in coffee and biscuits, at the very least, no doubt.
Do they have a garden competition where you live? And do they know of your past experience?
No rain expected then.
Does the "Olde Triangle" make any noise.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
A fine misty morning to ya:hello:

A large cappoccino, who bought you that? Does it put you into caffeine overload for the day.
Any suitable sized pots to plant him in?
You teaching him how to look after the garden plants.
Paid for in coffee and biscuits, at the very least, no doubt.
Do they have a garden competition where you live? And do they know of your past experience?
No rain expected then.
Does the "Olde Triangle" make any noise.

We took advantage of the GC's 20% BF deal plus paid for the reward card ( 2 free drinks per month)out of the savings, got Beag his juice and cupcake and had change out of the original item prices we bought..
Like an asda advert the sound of coins saved calmed the soul of a miserable Scot:laugh:

Of course, he is learning the art of gardening, his mum is a keen gardener too.
Comp? haven't a scooby..
I'm just keeping a decent not over the top show, colourful but not Chelsea Show display like some have tried to do...
Pleasant to the eye but if need be......

It's small enough to go 'ding', we've had some rain...
I better go get going...
I used to get 38 mins to bed in 100 plants and that included tidying up and preparing...22 mins per 100 bulbs...
I could do well over 1000 in a mornings work, if fed properly....
One job I enjoyed to see the end results a few months down the line...


Leg End Member
A fine misty morning to ya:hello:

We took advantage of the GC's 20% BF deal plus paid for the reward card ( 2 free drinks per month)out of the savings, got Beag his juice and cupcake and had change out of the original item prices we bought..
Like an asda advert the sound of coins saved calmed the soul of a miserable Scot:laugh:

Of course, he is learning the art of gardening, his mum is a keen gardener too.
Comp? haven't a scooby..
I'm just keeping a decent not over the top show, colourful but not Chelsea Show display like some have tried to do...
Pleasant to the eye but if need be......

It's small enough to go 'ding', we've had some rain...
I better go get going...
I used to get 38 mins to bed in 100 plants and that included tidying up and preparing...22 mins per 100 bulbs...
I could do well over 1000 in a mornings work, if fed properly....
One job I enjoyed to see the end results a few months down the line...

You chose your visiting day wisely then.
Suppose there were no savings, would the Young Un still have got his juice and cupcake?
Coins, you still using cash then. Or is it kept for emergencies.

Who's teaching him bad habits.
They fallen out of favour now.
Tidy garden then.

No rain, but the first frost of this winter this morning.
More machine than man then.
And if you weren't properly....
No rude words telling your bosses what you thought of them!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

You chose your visiting day wisely then.
Suppose there were no savings, would the Young Un still have got his juice and cupcake?
Coins, you still using cash then. Or is it kept for emergencies.

Who's teaching him bad habits.
They fallen out of favour now.
Tidy garden then.

No rain, but the first frost of this winter this morning.
More machine than man then.
And if you weren't properly....
No rude words telling your bosses what you thought of them!

only used for radio club coffee and biscuit donation....

Trees have still to be put in tubs, maybe try one a day but have find an alternate for perlite first...

Looks like someone has had enough of trampolining outside...
why not indoors.jpg

Kids nowadays..


Leg End Member
only used for radio club coffee and biscuit donation....

Trees have still to be put in tubs, maybe try one a day but have find an alternate for perlite first...

Looks like someone has had enough of trampolining outside...
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Kids nowadays..
You'll be using those £5 coins for the radio club biscuit fund.

Isn't there only one tree that needs to be put out at present? You'll upset the Young Un if doesn't go up.

Too cold outside. Hope your ceiling is high enough.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You'll be using those £5 coins for the radio club biscuit fund.

Isn't there only one tree that needs to be put out at present? You'll upset the Young Un if doesn't go up.

Too cold outside. Hope your ceiling is high enough.

Trees are dormant mostly at this time of year...
I just cannot be bothered...

1.9c just now with fog not really lifted all day...
Beag off home so peaceful and no Fireman Sam....
Manky lot in Pontypandy, no one ever changes their clothes...
Bronwyn been wearing that hippy gear for years now.........


Leg End Member
Trees are dormant mostly at this time of year...
I just cannot be bothered...

1.9c just now with fog not really lifted all day...
Beag off home so peaceful and no Fireman Sam....
Manky lot in Pontypandy, no one ever changes their clothes...
Bronwyn been wearing that hippy gear for years now.........
Plant them out before a cold snap and you'll have wasted yer money.
You can't say that to the Young Un.
Slightly warmer, but we've a similar fog.

No yelping for help either?
They just have multiple sets of the same clothes. It just looks as though they're wearing the same clothes all the time.

Jupiter really needs replacing now. It's well past it's use by date.
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