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Leg End Member
Nah, one loaf every five hours :laugh:
I'm lazy I use a breadmaker..
although I do knock up the odd one without it...
I don't fancy having to wear all that protective clothing plus bakers bake early, early..
I like my bed...

I toasted a couple of slices, mashed banana spread on top, it was grand:cuppa:

Muggy as 'ell 'ere.
regretted started cutting the grass..
glad of a Nobbly Bobbly after it:cuppa:
Does all the mixing and kneading though, leaving you free to "supervise".
Yer'd have a reason for yer mid-morning/afternoon nap!
Take it into the kitchen, or mix and knead in bed.

You toasted a new loaf, how could you.

Similar here, and set to remain that way for a while longer.
Important part is finishing. Did you finish it or it finish you?
Nobbly Nobbly dunked on yer cuppa.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good day:hello:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Does all the mixing and kneading though, leaving you free to "supervise".
Yer'd have a reason for yer mid-morning/afternoon nap!
Take it into the kitchen, or mix and knead in bed.

You toasted a new loaf, how could you.

Similar here, and set to remain that way for a while longer.
Important part is finishing. Did you finish it or it finish you?
Nobbly Nobbly dunked on yer cuppa.

I like toast...
fresh or stale, it get toasted..
and still the bread disappears after the toast pops out, strange..


Leg End Member
I like toast...
fresh or stale, it get toasted..
and still the bread disappears after the toast pops out, strange..
Tastes the same whichever you use, fresh or stale, when toasted.
What you need to do is set your phone up, with the camera keeping a close eye on the toaster. That way you're in with a chance of seeing what it does with the bread and how it changes the slices for toast. Mystery will then be solved, once and for all.


Leg End Member
I got it here..1.3 mm of it..
Showed someone the bread being put in the toaster and we watched the toast pop up,
they never saw the bread either....
That was rain you shouldn't have had, will you please pack it up and send of to where it should have fallen?
High speed shutter on your camera, and then play it back frame by frame. It should be possible to see where it exchanges the bread for toast.
It's simply too fast for the eye to catch.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:
No plants to water today:cuppa:

That was rain you shouldn't have had, will you please pack it up and send of to where it should have fallen?
High speed shutter on your camera, and then play it back frame by frame. It should be possible to see where it exchanges the bread for toast.
It's simply too fast for the eye to catch.

Jeez, once I get the toast, the bread doesn't matter, a fair swap..
need to be a heat resistant camera, where are those Mythbusters when you need them..

or sorry, 'Who ya gonna call ? Toastbusters' :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Legendary Member
Good morning:hello:
No plants to water today:cuppa:

Jeez, once I get the toast, the bread doesn't matter, a fair swap..
need to be a heat resistant camera, where are those Mythbusters when you need them..

or sorry, 'Who ya gonna call ? Toastbusters' :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Wish you hadn't mentioned toast. I want some now :laugh: It would just be greed though as I've not long finished my porridge.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Wish you hadn't mentioned toast. I want some now :laugh: It would just be greed though as I've not long finished my porridge.

Toast is soul food..
I can't imagine a world without toast, or bacon, or eggs, or coffee, or beer, or any alcohol, or cake or things of that ilk..
A lack of that lot above and you could take my life away:laugh:

Eat one , two slices or more and enjoy I say:okay:
(i prefer butter and marmalade:cuppa:)


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
No plants to water today:cuppa:

Jeez, once I get the toast, the bread doesn't matter, a fair swap..
need to be a heat resistant camera, where are those Mythbusters when you need them..

or sorry, 'Who ya gonna call ? Toastbusters' :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Not now you've had our rain.

But if you knew where the bread was going, you could get it back and swap it again for more toast. Free, unlimited toast and you're not bothered.
Shouldn't be a problem, getting hold of one. You canna let a machine beat you.
Adam and Jamie, they split a few years ago. The new ones aren't a patch on them.

You ain't afraid of no toast...
And their number is 0800 2229 911


Leg End Member
Toast is soul food..
I can't imagine a world without toast, or bacon, or eggs, or coffee, or beer, or any alcohol, or cake or things of that ilk..
A lack of that lot above and you could take my life away:laugh:

Eat one , two slices or more and enjoy I say:okay:
(i prefer butter and marmalade:cuppa:)
Suppose you don't like toast. Does that mean you've no soul?

You missed chocolate.
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