Tea? (Part 4)

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World class procrastinator
Morning Teapups.

I have been up for a while but too seething to dare come on the interweb. Hubster has eaten my breakfast again and it's just all too much for me today.
I have consoled myself with doing some glossing, that really needed doing. Oh, and some Early Manic Street Preachers. Neighbours are out both sides so I have a bit of volume.

Oh, the breakfast? All measured out, in my jar and put to the back of the fridge, leaving hubs breakfast jar at the front of the fridge for ease of getting at on his way to dialysis. He's been doing a lot of this lately. My jar is orange, his is white so just subtly different. He put about a tablespoon of butter into some mash a couple of weeks back so I couldn't eat it. Can anyone say sabotage? Every time he cooks something, he puts butter or oil in, meaning that I have to go and forage for something else. Obviously, this is when I catch it. God knows how much crap I've eaten over the last few weeks.


World class procrastinator
Why the strict regime @Saluki ?
Or is it a special diet thing
I have lost 37lbs this year. 35lbs since dieting properly. I am following slimming world now to lose the last half a dozen lbs and to maintain. I was always a bit athletic looking until I tore my achilles. It's been a long hard fight and Hubster does like to fry everything. He might want to stay fat and have a stroke, but I don't.
My Overnight Oats are all weighed out at 35g. His oats have a couple of slack handfulls of oats so probably 50-60g.

Dieting is about control and I am a control freak. He eats my oats a lot and I'm getting seriously fed up with it. He also stuffs chocolate in front of me, crisps, toast etc but I've got over my bread and crap cravings now. I do get fed up with the "can you open me my double snickers packet" in the car and him waving it about and eating it noisily.

I don't like mash with a ton of butter and cheese in. I'm a bit of a fussy eater anyway (so I'm told) and a proper 'tickle tum'. Hubs burped in my face the other day, while we were out at Spudulike (I like baked pots) and he was surprised that I wouldn't eat any more after the burpy breath smell. I am probably just over fussy but it's not very nice. I only used to eat rubbish as I got in bad habits a decade ago. I've trained myself back into proper eating habits. I do have treats - cake :smile: but I'm careful not to over do anything.
I have seen my birth family and they are all mahoosive. All of them except for my biological mother. The cousins are my age and vast, all the females are increadibly overweight. My bio mother and I are the only ones even remotely slender. The cousin's kids & grandkids are incredibly fat too. Apparently it's a 'genetic' thing. It's bloody not, it's a fried food & junk food thing but I'm not taking chances.


World class procrastinator
Give him a slap @Saluki .naughty man..
Good for you ,keep at it..

wife is trying too...my samsung is playig silly buggers.wont tepe type..grrrrr
ill shut it down

I might have just yelled at him. Firstly about the oats thing, as it's getting beyond a joke now. Also because he trod on my freshly glossed step again despite a HUGE sign saying 'Wet Paint' in black marker pen outlined in highlighter pink. There were arrows pointing to either side and to the step below. He didn't see the sign! Now I have re-glossed the step, re-glossed where he rubbed against the door frame and put his jumper in the wash.

He's gone off out in a huff - hopefully to walk a client's dog but probably not though. I'll have to wait for him to come back with the keys and then go and walk her myself. I've been considering leaving and chatting with the council to see where I stand on that front. After reading about when one of our member's wife left, it's given me pause and I am not sure that I want to put anyone though that but, on the other hand, I'm not sure how much more I can take of this being married malarkey either.

PS. I have a samsung and it's a PITA and I wish that I'd never got it. I shut it down about 3 times a day.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Afternoon all..
looks like Samsung taking a pounding in the last few posts, the way things are 'appenin' I better keep an eye on mine..

Just slightly over a 'HalfMo' but an easy one, legs felt wabbit the last 3 mile but after being in my bed most of yesterday, I'm glad the Bobster headed out..
Living like a lord, M&S sandwiches for my lunch (half price yesterday, out of date tomorrow)
Just as well I ate before reading Saluki's post or I'd have felt guilty..
Reet off to catch up with yesterdays cycling, only Route de Sud to catch up with..


I might have just yelled at him. Firstly about the oats thing, as it's getting beyond a joke now. Also because he trod on my freshly glossed step again despite a HUGE sign saying 'Wet Paint' in black marker pen outlined in highlighter pink. There were arrows pointing to either side and to the step below. He didn't see the sign! Now I have re-glossed the step, re-glossed where he rubbed against the door frame and put his jumper in the wash.

He's gone off out in a huff - hopefully to walk a client's dog but probably not though. I'll have to wait for him to come back with the keys and then go and walk her myself. I've been considering leaving and chatting with the council to see where I stand on that front. After reading about when one of our member's wife left, it's given me pause and I am not sure that I want to put anyone though that but, on the other hand, I'm not sure how much more I can take of this being married malarkey either.

PS. I have a samsung and it's a PITA and I wish that I'd never got it. I shut it down about 3 times a day.

No likey and obviously big decision, but it's probably no surprise to anyone on here - I take it he is not up for talking about it/you are not up for telling him what you are telling us?

I know I can be a complete pain sometimes but then so can Mrs Fu - but I know I'd be hugely upset if I thought I was upsetting her they way he is upsetting you. Maybe in some weird way he thinks he is being funny?!?

Dunno the answer, but you only get one shot at life...


World class procrastinator
No likey and obviously big decision, but it's probably no surprise to anyone on here - I take it he is not up for talking about it/you are not up for telling him what you are telling us?

I know I can be a complete pain sometimes but then so can Mrs Fu - but I know I'd be hugely upset if I thought I was upsetting her they way he is upsetting you. Maybe in some weird way he thinks he is being funny?!?

Dunno the answer, but you only get one shot at life...
I have talked to him and told him how I feel. I have asked him today, if he preferred it when I was massive and fat with no energy. He said that he prefers me thin. I asked why he ate my bloody breakfast again then, and why he stuffs crisps in front of me in the car and why he sticks half a ton of butter in the mash. Apparently he 'forgets'. He must forget a lot then.

I've tried discussing how I feel about the fact he wouldn't lose weight when he had my kidney (it's failed now so he's back on dialysis) but has shifted 16kg so that he can get some strangers kidney. Obviously my kidney wasn't worth a damn. He says he didn't realise that his weight was an issue to the clinics, even though they told him to lose weight ever single time they saw him. He didn't think that they were serious and had no idea how angry I was. He knows now but is totally unfazed by it as there is nothing that can be done about it, so why worry eh? I also told him that I am not happy to be bullied by his bloody sister either. She's a cow and I made my feelings patently clear to him. I've been nice about it but have now told him in clear words "I cannot stand the old bag and she is not welcome in my home. Ever" Then I told him why.

I know that I am a pain in the arse at the best of times. I like the Manic Street Preachers, play guitar, go cycling, walk my dogs for miles on end (not Millie now as she's 18). I know I'm noisy and suck my thumb when I'm asleep but I don't deliberately try to piss people off.

I need more tea. Clearly! Tomorrow will be better.
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