Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Off to work, leave you in charge Mr C.
See you all later

Not too hard now!


Legendary Member
I take it the double posting bug is back yet again? Well, don't drive your train too fast. Lol.

I am off to drive my bike, and it definitely won't be too fast. No speed in the legs these days.


I am your Father
An amateur could do it and you'd be non the wiser.
Don't think that Pro Contract Killers wear name badges & orange jump suits do they ?

"Hi, my name is Dangerous Dave & I am here to send you to swim with the fishes for eternity" - "Do you like my name badge ? I have a 4* rating"

"Here's my business card, please do recommend me to your friends"

"Oh, sorry, you won't be able to will you" !
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