Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Morning.tea peeps
i have a tough job this week.., railway sleepers to set and about 200 slabs..that will be the easy bit.
the digging out for this project...groan..tho we have a day out planned weds with the kids and grandson.
Ooooft..............watch the back!


Legendary Member
Morning everyone, back to Wales today. :hello:

I get fidgety if I don't get a ride in, 3 or 4 days without cycling causes severe withdrawal symptoms :laugh: @Mo1959

Slowly getting a functional /P station together. Replaced a tired old SLA which I can use with a solar panel to power the ft817. @Bobby Mhor

Morning Mr. Traindriver :hello:

Morning WD :becool:

Morning Mikey
Do you also get withdrawal symptoms if you don't go to a certain city in South Wales?


Morning Teepees! Knackered after a busy weekend, could do with staying in bed.

However, I have a... Meeting! Deep joy.

Have a good Monday folks.


I am your Father
Busy, busy, busy today.

Work > collect bike > phone for new Tesco Clubcard > go to buy some T-shirts I spotted yesterday *bike motif* > go buy coach tickets for CC Quarter Final *we will be drinking reshponshibbbbibally* >
> fit new tyres & tubes to spare wheels *if i have time* > wash last nights pots > back to work.

Mundane news is thataway < Ste


Middle Earth
Morning teapups :smile:
Mr SL is in bed after his last night shift - he's now off for 15 nights - time for the 'honeydos' to begin - as he says; 'honey do this, honey do that' :laugh:
Actually, I do have a list :biggrin:

Anyway, it's nice here, clouding over but staying warm so that'll do nicely thank-you.
Going into town this afternoon so I may wash the MTB this morning....BUT, there's the chance of an evening ride in the woods so....:whistle:
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