Tea? (Part 4)

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Middle Earth
I think my mood is deteiorating by the minute......
Can I help?

<legs it>
Unlike @SatNavSaysStraightOn , I don't fancy going down the surgery route though if at all possible so, as long as it doesn't actually get any worse than it is at the moment, it is bearable. There is a local osteopath who has a very good reputation who I've thought about trying.
Mo, I have to say, there is not a moment of doubt for me that having my spine fused was the right move. The underlying pain has eased so much it is almost impossible to explain. Right from the day after the surgery I could tell there was a major difference. I still have the acute 'ow' pain to deal with but the general discomfort that I had has gone and I have had to ditch my custom orthopaedic inner soles which took into account a leg length difference... walking now is easier on the spine, but I still have to deal with the loss of sensation, use and strength of my right leg (which added to the mild paralysis of my left leg) which is taking a lot of getting used to. I'm still falling. Took 2 yesterday in my home, simply because of how difficult it is to use crutches indoors. My physio restarts tomorrow and I know they are bringing me a wheeled walking frame to try for 2 weeks. It may well be easier with it simply because it is only as wide as me, rather than me and then the space for the crutches... Oh and I can now sit vertically for 5 minutes on a hard chair. Something I have not managed to do since the beginning of November when my back went. I can't help thinking the road to recovery may well had now started and whilst I can't and won't get my hopes up that the paralysis will improve, I can hope that I can get to a point where I could possibly use a wheelchair to get around a supermarket having been driven there! I may even get to the point that I might be able to drive, if I can get the strength up enough in my right leg - but that is another thing I am not getting my hopes up about. That might need a modification to the car instead. we will see.


Unlike here - it's expected to last until Christmas!!

Oh FFS...


Legendary Member
Mo, I have to say, there is not a moment of doubt for me that having my spine fused was the right move. The underlying pain has eased so much it is almost impossible to explain. Right from the day after the surgery I could tell there was a major difference. I still have the acute 'ow' pain to deal with but the general discomfort that I had has gone and I have had to ditch my custom orthopaedic inner soles which took into account a leg length difference... walking now is easier on the spine, but I still have to deal with the loss of sensation, use and strength of my right leg (which added to the mild paralysis of my left leg) which is taking a lot of getting used to. I'm still falling. Took 2 yesterday in my home, simply because of how difficult it is to use crutches indoors. My physio restarts tomorrow and I know they are bringing me a wheeled walking frame to try for 2 weeks. It may well be easier with it simply because it is only as wide as me, rather than me and then the space for the crutches... Oh and I can now sit vertically for 5 minutes on a hard chair. Something I have not managed to do since the beginning of November when my back went. I can't help thinking the road to recovery may well had now started and whilst I can't and won't get my hopes up that the paralysis will improve, I can hope that I can get to a point where I could possibly use a wheelchair to get around a supermarket having been driven there! I may even get to the point that I might be able to drive, if I can get the strength up enough in my right leg - but that is another thing I am not getting my hopes up about. That might need a modification to the car instead. we will see.
It is tempting must admit, especially if this is what's making my legs feel like they have lost so much energy and power. I will persevere in the meantime but if I was to get any worse I think I would be making enquiries. I feel I am still young enough and want to maintain my fitness enough that it could well be a benefit, but living on your own isn't handy if you need help, etc.


Legendary Member
Poor Alex Dowsett, he keeps having cameras and microphones shoved in his face and reminded that although he broke the hour record last month he has now been beaten by Brad who is a few years older than he is. He broke a record let him have that don't crush him, poor lamb.
There's already talk that he wants to try and retake it. Watch this space!
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