Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Morning :okay:
Flou yellow running top on?
(fits nicely over my middle layer)

Outside work has been left..
it shouldn't take long.

First can of cider opened last night, opened with a pff..
flat and smell wasn't right, I opened more in the pursuit of science..
all passed the taste test:whistle:

Just 1 can went to waste then Bobby?


Legendary Member
After I cleaned my bike very thoroughly on the long*** weekend, it rained on my commute to work today, and ruined it all! :angry:
I just spent 10 minutes wiping the chain, oiling it, then wiping and oiling again. I'll leave the 2nd lot of oil on it overnight, and it should be nice and smooth again tomorrow. There's no rain forecast for the rest of this week, so it should now stay clean. :smile:

*** Yes, apparently our Queen was having another one of her 'birthdays', this time in the State of Victoria******, Australia.

****** No, we don't have a State of Elizabeth.

Long may she reign over you


Legendary Member
What an absolutely gorgeous morning :sun: Nice 55 miles with a fair bit of climbing again. Couple of slight delays. Heading up Glendevon when a police vehicle pulled along side and said there was an abnormal load coming up the hill. Pulled over when it got close and it was 3 very long lorries with wind turbine blades on the back. Impressive things when you see them close up. Further round on the descent a young lad on a mtb flagged me down to ask if I had a pump. He had tubeless tyres but the sealant didn't seem to have hardened and he was losing a wee bit of pressure. What a pleasant young lad he was. Studying music at Lendrick Muir School near Kinross but was also trying to fit in training for upcoming cross country championship he said. Not sure if it was on the mtb or not. Nice Canyon hardtail.

Just had a quick brekkie and now heading out with the ever patient Millie pooch.

Nice one Mo, you have certainly been active this morning


I am your Father
@SteCenturion, other than it being normal, any idea what was going on at Piccadilly & Oxford Road yesterday?
Higher than normal number of police, both BTP & others.
View attachment 91284
Look familiar?​
Aye, nowt wrong with that, if used on date printed & by the legally entitled person.

Don't know about the GMP & Inspectors or BTP.

Probably had something on, maybe a gateway as it is called, targeting a particularly known problem line or just high patronage services for fraud detection/anti-social behaviour/combination reasons or completely unrelated.


Legendary Member
Arriva ? Kind of odd funny aqua greeny colour ?

They are the only operator I know of locally with WiFi.

Answer to speed is always the same...

Driving to the timetable issued by their management... 60 mins in 1 hour will never change...

To drive slower, you must visit less places... less places visited = extra buses required to cover other areas not served = cost.

Ops look at how many buses required to provide a 10, 15, 20 min service per hour etc & make it fit, often this forces drivers to drive at either a) uncomfortable speed or b) illegally & c) late.

The way of the bis world I am afraid mate.

Its not a nice world being forced like that.
We have am advantage that they cant force anything like that as speeding is unacceptable and as everything has data recorders we stick to speed limits so tough.
However they load the amount of driving up towards the maximum, however this can be exceeded if there are problems, which results in no more driving being done once the parameters are broken.


I am your Father
After I cleaned my bike very thoroughly on the long*** weekend, it rained on my commute to work today, and ruined it all! :angry:
I just spent 10 minutes wiping the chain, oiling it, then wiping and oiling again. I'll leave the 2nd lot of oil on it overnight, and it should be nice and smooth again tomorrow. There's no rain forecast for the rest of this week, so it should now stay clean. :smile:

*** Yes, apparently our Queen was having another one of her 'birthdays', this time in the State of Victoria******, Australia.

****** No, we don't have a State of Elizabeth.
You have Elizabeth Adelaide though :thumbsup:
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