Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member

Less of that Mr C, he supposed to be looking after them


Legendary Member
Nice one. :okay:

Should really have persevered for a metric century myself this morning but the old back was getting achy so ended up with 59 miles. Hopefully more nice days to come this week though. :sun:

What's up with your back Mo? Is it something you have just done or is it a long standing problem?


Leg End Member
It's morning now Classic
You sure, street lights still on!


Legendary Member
What's up with your back Mo? Is it something you have just done or is it a long standing problem?
Had a dodgy back for as long as I can remember, but felt something "go" about 6 years ago and got bad sciatic pain. Initial bad pain cleared up but left me with a bit of numbness in parts of my leg and foot but didn't really bother me too much. Back got really bad again a couple of years ago so got sent for the usual x-ray and mri and have two prolapsed discs. Got some physio which didn't seem to do all that much. I find that usually, after my back gets used to the mileage building up again it calms down a bit. Since coming back from my fall last summer I don't seem to be able to reach the same speed on the bike as I did before and the legs just don't feel as strong so I'm starting to wonder if I've exacerbated something in the back when I came off. I really thumped into the road hard with the shoulder and hip.

Unlike @SatNavSaysStraightOn , I don't fancy going down the surgery route though if at all possible so, as long as it doesn't actually get any worse than it is at the moment, it is bearable. There is a local osteopath who has a very good reputation who I've thought about trying.

Well, another gorgeous morning here so I will head out. At least the wind has died right down which is great as I found it hard going.
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