Tea? (Part 4)

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Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Damn, it's gone all CC Bay...
Top offer is £8.00. (I have no idea where it's going to go...Perhaps I can get rid of one of the kids so I can get a desk in their room...):laugh:


Legendary Member
Good Evening :cuppa:

TD, it will never be bug free, even until the day Windows 11 is released. Todays way of doing things is release and constantly supply updates, it'll never 'not work', it's been in technical releases for over a year but there will always be something that doesn't quite go as planned, it's the nature of software. :rolleyes:

Evening MR ID :hello:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
What are you offering? (no sniggering)

£3 15s 4d?

I'm not talking to you. Go away


Legendary Member
No shill bidding or collective bidding. Both are illegal in an auction.
One of my ex colleagues used to do a bit of selling on eBay and if she wasn't getting what she wanted for an item she used to phone me to put in a bid to stop it selling too cheaply. Highly irregular and thankfully she has either found someone else to do it or no longer does as much selling.

Just remembered I was going to watch Anna Karenina on Channel 4 at 9pm. Oh well, I am sure it will be repeated or I think Channel 4 does catch up.
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