Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
They'd not be a secret anymore if I told anyone!

Thats the whole point :smile:


Leg End Member


Legendary Member
Am I first in this morning? Really??

Morning Teepees! Off to werk shortly, though I have an "influencing" seminar this morning so a wee bit of a different start.

Hope you all have a fine day.
I had a long lie knowing the wind was forecast to be strong. Sun woke me up early as usual but just lay for a while. Not sure wind is too bad yet but in a can't be bothered mood anyway so just a leisurely dog walk shortly.
Still having fun with the phones?
you don't know the half of it. He had taken to leaving it elsewhere! This is making getting his attention when I need it hard. So I struggle out of my oap chair, walk passed him, slowly climb the stairs, pick up the tablets I need from upstairs and the slowly go back down the stairs again, go passed him and he will then ask why I didn't ask him to get them for me! When I respond that I did he will play hunt the phone again... But the very fact he is sitting there with headphones on for not help the matter in the first place! I can't win at the moment!
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