Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
@SteCenturion followed by @Mo1959, about an hour later.
I'm here already. Not sure what I'm doing up at this time but, coffee in hand and contemplating a relaxed tootle on the hybrid bike.


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Good Morning, busy day of washing, cleaning and sorting out yesterday, including tackling the rainforest that appeared in the back garden while I was away. :smile:
Had kids over for tea before their mother jets them off to Lanzarote today on the budget she has left over from not being able to afford school shoes or decent food for them the rest of the year...:rolleyes:
Me and one of the Belles ladies shall be attacking our MTB's on my work stand tomorrow :smile:
I must have missed something here... @ScotiaLass seems to have been transformed into a mechanic...:bravo:

Anyway, a good :cuppa: before being told what needs doing today...


Middle Earth
Good Morning, busy day of washing, cleaning and sorting out yesterday, including tackling the rainforest that appeared in the back garden while I was away. :smile:
Had kids over for tea before their mother jets them off to Lanzarote today on the budget she has left over from not being able to afford school shoes or decent food for them the rest of the year...:rolleyes:

I must have missed something here... @ScotiaLass seems to have been transformed into a mechanic...:bravo:

Anyway, a good :cuppa: before being told what needs doing today...
Not quite, well actually, not at all, but I want to learn how to do stuff myself and save money.
I have brake pads and a chain to replace <gulp>


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Morning Mr ID. Everyday is paradise here. How is the garden clearing going?

One month appears to be enough time for raspberries to spread to even the cracks between paving slabs in an area three or four meters from their 'patch' and for a new hedge to develop below the actual hedge. The compost bin is now full of grass cuttings and various clippings and neighbours have new raspberry plants...:okay:
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