Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
It will be a chilly night: about 3°C. :cold: My bed's all prepared with extra layers. Right now, I'm waiting for dinner to finish cooking :hungry: so I can :mrpig: on it.

Hi Victor


Leg End Member
Just Popped In.jpg


N Ireland
Hi folks :hello:.
Just about to start the afternoon learning my new Greek songs. It's :sun::sun::sun: here :becool:.

Duties in the cat-house will have to continue from Monday as 5 kittens have been rescued today and they will have to be fed during the day when Anna, the cat-lady, will be at work. It's a piece of pie compared to looking after the whole house so it will be a pleasure. You should see the little mites- so small/cute.

The dream continues. :dance::biggrin::dance:


Leg End Member
Afternoon Teepees! Another cheeky 100k today (https://connect.garmin.com/activity/782242784), what a difference the sun makes!

Junior Fu's degree show went well, though I think she may be a tad hungover this morning - going back up tomorrow for another look. Art School is definitely an eye opener!

Hope you're all having a lovely afternoon, whereever you are.
Morning! Its early afternoon now!
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