Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
This is scotland - give it 5 minutes it'll be snowing!
Don't let a bit of snow stop you.


Legendary Member
Well done:okay:
I'm debating a quick out..(less than your return mileage:blush:)
but the slowly rising ramps on the way home into the wind aren't my cup of tea so another :cuppa:

Did you get out Bobby :okay:


Legendary Member
G'day all. Sitting in the cat-house with a purring kitten beside me. I'm about to go and have lunch but just thought I'd say hello.
It's flippin hot today - the sweat was dripping as I went around the feeding cages. Got another scratch from the she-devil in the hospital section. However, she only drew a little blood today - I think she's starting to like me!! Just 4.5 days left before my tour of duty in the cat-house ends. I'll enjoy getting a lie in after the late nights. :laugh:

Hi there Blue :hello:
Your weather is far better than ours, it's the middle of May and its still cold and windy :angry:


Legendary Member
Pffft.........literally :laugh: Don't know what made me look at the tyres on the hybrid I was riding this morning and the front is flat as a pancake! Wonder when it actually punctured. Was hard enough cycling home into a headwind but I maybe had a softening tyre too. Don't know if I can be bothered changing it just now.

One of the worst feelings is when you come out the cafe to find you have a flat :angry::angry:


Legendary Member
Afternoon all, and sundry :hello:

Just had a quick blast on twitter, it's now banned, along with RL forums & speaking to people, or hearing them, until midnight.

The urge to follow the match will be crippling from 2 p.m.

Are you all fine & dandy ?

Afternoon Mr Centurion :hello:
Nice ride over to the Severn Valley area for us today, fairly lumpy over that way so quite hard. Ended up in 3 counties also, Worcestershire, Shropshire and Staffordshire.
Quite a cold nagging wind today and you were never really warm. You warmed up due to the amount of climbing, but then got cold on the way down or on the odd bits of flat stuff. :cold:
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