Tea? (Part 4)

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I was once viciously attacked by a Great White Shark but escaped to the safety of the beach with only one leg, one arm & one eye left, thought I did well....

Then, a rogue Lioness (escaped from the local Zoo) ripped my other arm off, but I beat it off with my good leg....

Then, I hopped towards the hospital, only to be attacked again by a pack of wild hedgehogs...

I was going to write a story about it....

But the publisher said it sounded a bit far fetched...
One of the kids on our road asked me about a big cut I had on my forearm a while ago.

When I told him it was a shark bite you could tell he believed me for a second or two.

I ruined it though by telling him I was pouring some cornflakes and it fell out of the packet, then bit me when I tried to get it out of the bowl. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
180 ?

I like this game.....

Johnny Ball....

Think of a number.

Not an Adelante :headshake:


Currently rather sore. My body is in a position it has never held before and my muscles are complaining about it bitterly. I have had to breakout the diazepam as well as double my morphine, so I'm not staying around long. It's a little difficult right now. I'm better first thing in the mornings thank you. :surrender:
Looking at your other post on mundane news it sounds quite positive, your body's in the right position and you can walk about, hopefully things will get better for you. :smile:
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