Tea? (Part 3)

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Well it's out in the open now..............if you excuse the pun :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Not for the first time I'll bet.


This afternoon the topic of conversation in the office was films, they seemed rather stunned that I hadn't watched Titanic, Pretty Woman, Grease, Done with the Wind, Dirty Dancing. I don't watch much telly and tbh chick flicks and rom coms are not my thing. My female boss told me to buy a copy of Dirty Dancing because I need to 'live a little' this was after I had told them about the Blondie gig we went to last night! I always thought that 'living' was about going out with friends, theatre, comedy shows, gigs etc.. apparently not, 'living' is sitting in front of the telly watching Dirty Dancing :dry:
I worked with a bloke who's favourite film was Dirty Dancing, a sound bloke in all other respects though.

Working in a mainly male factory environment he wasn't let off lightly for it. :biggrin:


Leg End Member
I've been forcefully sat and made to watch Pretty Woman AND Dirty Dancing, followed up with a questioning to gauge how much I was paying attention.. :cry:

I've never seen Titanic though :dance:
What floor did they both live on in Pretty Woman then?


Über Member
Good evening all sorry I had to "bail out" without saying anything last night I do have a fairly good reason though,Mrs ern1e on Monday took a tumble down the stairs and is at times in need of attention ! so sorry again.


When I asked who the other one was(with the same birthday) your answer was
Which was, of course, 100% correct..........both parts of it. I had just had a conversation with Vic in which he said it was his birthday, and I said something like "2 Tea-landers with the same birthday......... Who'd've thunk it?" You then asked who else. If I had answered Vic, you could have called me nuts.....but I didn't. I gave the sensible and correct answer.

Now, have you got it yet? Vic and I share a birthday. I hope I don't have to go through the pain of explaining that all over again next year. Just get the cakes ready........


Über Member
Happy birthday @victor hope you had a good day.

Evening everyone. Wet and windy here all day. Not nice at all. My granddaughter got her GCSE results this morning. She took 14 subjects. She got A stars, A's B's and a couple of C'S. She did, french, maths, English, history, geography, science to name but a few. She is off to a new school for her 6th form years because her present school won't be doing the subjects she wants. She has worked very hard for the results she received, and I'm very proud of her.

I hope everyone has had a good day.
That would be a very well done from me I hope she got some CAKE for that ?
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