Good morning campers *done in a Ruth Madoc voice*
Today we will have C33 posting weird and wonderful but puzzling images and dispensing cake.
Ms WD dispensing her wisdom, insightfulness and supping

Ms SL having her usual verbal dual with Stephec getting all a gog (again)
0lonerider in the bright and breezy early AM (ah just posted

MikeG laying more bricks
Saluki still cream crackered from that birling in the hoose
172 Mr Choo recovering from his day in the heady town of Motherwell
Mikey dreading a trip to yon place
Victor if he has managed to stay warm down under...

Ste with his double entendres ( I personally blame the females for all this)
We even had Andy Williams in the other day and he never even warbled
and to those others who visit Tealandia, a big hearty

but if yer naughty, don't let the door hit yer erse on the way oot..