Tea? (Part 3)

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Legendary Member
Morning Bob :thumbsup:

Last trip to Swansea this week, two days of no Swansea coming up :becool:

Something to look forward to :laugh:


Legendary Member
Lucky boy. :smile:

What am I missing out on here?


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
I used to keep a cycling blog on wordpress but have not updated it since January. I got bored with it. 2nkenn was the username as it was originally hubster's but he lost the will to blog after about 3 posts.

I must admit I'll update mine as much for my daughter and son to read in further years than anything really. I just find it a nice way of keeping a journal type thing and giving an extra dimension to rides when I know I'll write about it later...also keeps me occupied when enforced resting is happening!
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