Well, I had a lovely day sitting in a field. A nice ride over with some friends, a good chat and some laughing and joking, then a whole lot of very odd cars streamed by, throwing stuff out of their windows. Don't they know about littering laws?
An hour or so later, 5 or 6 helicopters and a whole load of policemen went by, so I assume there was a big incident happening somewhere nearby. A bunch of bike riders headed by in that direction too. One of them seemed to be having a wrestling match with a guy in a car over a drinks bottle, because he held onto the bottle all the way up the hill before the chap in the car finally let go. I've no idea what that was about.
We then rode home.
That sounds like the day we had yesterday.
Whenever I've read something about the publiclity caravan it's made to sound special.
I was expecting a carnival procession similar to the lord mayor's parade, when in reality it was a few tarted up cars and vans chucking away a few bits of tat, then a five minute gap followed by more cars, this was repeated for about an hour.
Never mind at least I can say I've seen it.