Tea? (Part 3)

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After offering 100 of my Great British Pounds to get to the top of Georges list, the National Security Council found that I was operating an elaborate scam using a fake off shore account on the Isle uv Kylie & the £100 did not exist.

Special agents were attached to Operation Centurion with the task of taking out the Forum dim wit & through sources close to me I found that that M.F.I agent @classic33 had been ordered to "guide me to the other side".

Ever since, I have been a man on the run, a fugitive in my own slippers, wanted for a crime I failed to commit.

I have been forced to steal the identity of another, & have been prancing around Bolton, dropping double entendre's at will & going by the pseudonym of @stephec - so far undetected by the Cycle Chat Maffiosa

The punishment for my heinous crimes, a one way trip to Hades with classic33 or worse...

Extradition to...



As long as they grab you and not me then. :smile:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I am having another one of my 'turns'.

That was brilliant. Best laugh I've had in ages.


Leg End Member
After offering 100 of my Great British Pounds to get to the top of Georges list, the National Security Council found that I was operating an elaborate scam using a fake off shore account on the Isle uv Kylie & the £100 did not exist.

Special agents were attached to Operation Centurion with the task of taking out the Forum dim wit & through sources close to me I found that that M.F.I agent @classic33 had been ordered to "guide me to the other side".

Ever since, I have been a man on the run, a fugitive in my own slippers, wanted for a crime I failed to commit.

I have been forced to steal the identity of another, & have been prancing around Bolton, dropping double entendre's at will & going by the pseudonym of @stephec - so far undetected by the Cycle Chat Maffiosa

The punishment for my heinous crimes, a one way trip to Hades with classic33 or worse...

Extradition to...

You mean this one!


Legendary Member
Evening peeps. Are you scaring everyone again classic? Yes @SteCenturion what or who are you hiding from? Ok everyone, have you all had a good day? I haven't done too much. Bit of gardening, and tidying up and pottering around.

Did a load of that gardening thing on friday. Managed to pretty much fill the garden waste re-cycling bin. :smile:
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