After offering 100 of my Great British Pounds to get to the top of Georges list, the National Security Council found that I was operating an elaborate scam using a fake off shore account on the Isle uv Kylie & the £100 did not exist.
Special agents were attached to Operation Centurion with the task of taking out the Forum dim wit & through sources close to me I found that that M.F.I agent @classic33 had been ordered to "guide me to the other side".
Ever since, I have been a man on the run, a fugitive in my own slippers, wanted for a crime I failed to commit.
I have been forced to steal the identity of another, & have been prancing around Bolton, dropping double entendre's at will & going by the pseudonym of @stephec - so far undetected by the Cycle Chat Maffiosa
The punishment for my heinous crimes, a one way trip to Hades with classic33 or worse...
Extradition to...
As long as they grab you and not me then.