Morning people of Tea-land.
Yes, only just up again!! But we drove friend's dogs back to their flat very late last night (early hours this morning) as the barking, whining, howling etc were doing our heads in. They were doing in our neighbour's heads far and wide too. Just about to go down and walk the buggers before work. I am NOT mucking that flat out and staying there! I'll text him in a bit and suggest that his nephew goes to walk them or stays at his. I reckon that the housing officer will be round later to stuff a note through our door demanding that we ring him.
They battered the door of the spare bedroom and tore open some made up baby hampers, so I'll have to throw some of the individual bits and bobs away as I can't sell something for a newborn after it's been carried about by a dog. Only 2 large hampers are actually dead but it's £50 worth

My dogs are now all scratching and I've found 3 fleas on my Millie dog this morning. I'll get some Advocate while I'm out. When we got the dogs back to their flat, (12 miles up the road) we searched for dog food. We found about a bowl's worth in the food tub

. Not best chuffed here.
What a day. Hopefully riding later, guitar lesson later too.