Tea? (Part 3)

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I don't really drink much at all - alcohol wise. I never drink in January anyway. I often don't drink in February either.

I used to get anxiety attacks a lot, especially when my depression was really biting me. This year I'm keeping it all together playing guitar, riding my bike and not working so much by choice. This is my first anxiety attack in months. Really annoying because I can't head them off or even know when they are arriving. I cannot find my perisyzin or whatever it's called but I need new painkillers for the wrist problem so seeing the doc on Friday so I'll get some then. The perisyzin just takes the edge off.
I've stopped feeling bad about not riding as it's raining out there now and it's that miserable thin drizzly kind of rain that seems to find every nook and cranny of your clothing and gets you wetter & colder way faster than proper fat rain.

Happily, this afternoon's work has cancelled on me. It was only a wee Lhasa to groom and I can fit her in when she's feeling better.

I'll make some nice toast in a min, another cup of tea too.

have you tried the lindon method Saluki? My daughter swears by it when she has a bout..



posted here as its a pain adding links to quotes with my tablet...


Bonnie Prince Charlie had some fighting talk, then ran away to France.

Actually, I just googled the Great Pretender & came across & page that claims his DNA to be English & also that all Scots are English too (well kind of) that the Stuarts hailed from Cornwall, "oaroiit mi luvlies".

BPC isn't much of a hero for most up here, anyway we are lovers not fighters... :smooch:

Though if you keep calling us English... :ph34r:


Feel the love!!

Aye, feel my love ya bassa! Go on, FEEL IT!! GET IT FELT!!!
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