Good morning @Bobby Mhor (go & de-clog our roads & pavements)Good morning all
I have to hoof it to work today..
Morning Mr Ste
See you all sometime in the future.
Oh flu!Morning folks. Blimey what a night for people feeling crook. Hope both you @classic33 and @BrianEvesham feel better today.
Don't think Millie would be very happy without her walk. As long as I wrap up well, I actually enjoy walking in this. The ground is dry and firm so no mucky, wet dog to clean when I get back.
Some sledging going on hereBig kid
Real snow hasn't settled in Atherton Metropolis yet, another small flurry at around 06.20 but melting on impact.Just get the butler to start the artificial snow making machine so you can play on the sledge
I think it might be mate, tin hat and all thatPhysio said I'll be sore today..he knows a thing or two me thinks
hope the man flu sufferes are being cared for..those girls have no idea how tough it is for us
Would this be an appropriate time to duck?
???I think brian could have done with a tin hat last night....