Morning..Having got up an hour ago because I couldn't sleep any more, unpacking and getting loads of washing sorted into washes and just logging on I now find myself feeling tired and sleepy again... this is a conundrum..
I'll sleep on it.
Last one to do that at night ended up taking flying lessons.
No, most people would have forgotten about it by now, except that the article reminded them. The comments are ample evidence (to me, at least) that the anti-cyclist prejudice continues, and the usual ignorance of the road rules relating to cyclists and the real sources of road funding.
Good morning everyone. Its a quiet day today. No snow, no wind, no hail....yet. and it's very dark. Plenty of hot coffee needed
. Bora da and watch out for the weather.
Morning WD
I haven't looked outside yet, maybe it'll beand
I only said Sproutsmo because that's what SwiftKey predicted I would say...
Morning everyonetoo dark to see what it's like at the minute
all sounds quiet though.
I hate sprouts!
Trying to work out if this sunshine is going to melt all the ice out there so a ride could be on the agenda.
Morning all.
Passing through as got Tai Chi at 10am.
Then I'll decide whether to go out for a ride or just wash the bike as you can't see the paint for mud!