My weekend trip to Cardigan involved a longer stop then anticipated at Sarn Park, Bridgend, as our car broke down as we arrived. Went off the motorway slip (we were heading for the retail park to pick up some ski stuff) into the retail park and something went, all the dash warning lights came on and then I couldn't stop at a zebra crossing for a pedestrian because the brake pedal suddenly went super hard... A belt had broken and the pulley it ran off, removing brake servo, alternator etc and was lucky it went there at low walking speed rather than on the motorway.. Three hours there waiting for AA man to attempt repairs, another hour back to sort out a hire car at Cardiff Airport when he decided to trailer ours home, a four hour drive became a twelve hour journey overall and we had to stop at the same retail park on the way back to change an item. Love Bridgend.
Morning all, little fettling this morning then off into the wilds of East Devon with as many flat bits as I can find...will build up to my favourite 20% + hills...