Evening all.
Back from World Earthcache day. I am knackered. 10km of sandy walking is a lot harder work than 10km of road cycling. I ache in places that I didn't know that I had. Even the Jack Russell is knackered. Hubster decided to head back after about 800 yards and found a cafe. I soldiered on with nothing but a chuppa chup lolly and a mint imperial to sustain me. I really wish that I hadn't forgotten breakfast today.
Now I have tea, I have chicken noodle soup and dry socks. My feet have been soaking since about 2pm and I didn't get my shoes and socks off until 7pm. They are all warm now, which is rather lovely.
The chap we are swapping homes with has had his steering rack go and can we leave it to the 27th October as he cannot afford his half of the van rental. We said that we couldn't as the new tenancy start is the 20th and that is now set in stone as we have both had letters from various landlords stating that the old tenancies finish on the 19th Oct and new ones start on the 20th. These letters are legally binding. We'll get the van rental and he can pay us back on the 27th (fat chance but still). It's only £135 for the weekend so I reckon that we can cope with that. We are definitely moving on the 18th come hell or high![]()
That's the spirit, Captain Scott could've done with you on his trip to the Antarctic.