welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Eggsactly....the yolks on you
I Think your brains been scrambled
Eggsactly....the yolks on you
It was BenedictI Think your brains been scrambled
It was Benedict
All white, I'm all yoked out my brain is fried
I've just decided poached eggs,bacon and brown toast for lunch tomorrow, yummy.
Evening SL...Evening...
Its eggstrordinary here tonight
Its been Eggcellent, Eggceptional, Eggsperimental and time for me to Eggsit these ova the top jokes..the last I promise so Eggcuse me
I think we have exhausted(almost) them with our eggs stuffeveryone is very quiet tonight. Is everyone out? After all it is friday night.
More presentsI was away ironing (ugh).
Got to tidy the kitchen up a bit before the tumble dryer engineer arrives tomorrow but other than that I'm doing nothing else.
In other news, my niece had a little boy this afternoon.