Tea? (Part 2)

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N Ireland
Good morning. I have been reliably informed that the older you get the faster it goes as well. And it does. I know that from personal experience.
Your perception of time will, in part, be governed by previous experience of time - so just think of the maths. When you were 5 years old each day was a 1,826th of your past experience; whereas at 50 years old each day is a 182,625th of your past experience. As the years roll on the fractions get smaller so seem to go by faster.

Why should each day be enjoyed? Well, my dad lived to 80 - 29220 days. I'm 59 so I've already lived some 21,800. Unless I outlive my dad it doesn't seem like that many days to go any more so every day I smile all day long ^_^


N Ireland
I get home last night at 10PM after spending most of the day with my mum at hospital in Birmingham as she went back in yesterday for the next bout of chemo. Open front door and it feels a bit odd, go to lock the door and the bloody locking system has jammed :cursing:. No amount of fiddling and messing with it sorts it and so locksmith had to be called out.

He managed a temporary fix at 11:20PM. Bottom locking point totally shot and so he had to saw that off and refit as a 2 point locking system until he can get replacement.

Really think someone has it in for us at the moment :sad:
I hope things pick up fast. Try to stay positive as it does help. have a manly hug:hugs:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Your perception of time will, in part, be governed by previous experience of time - so just think of the maths. When you were 5 years old each day was a 1,826th of your past experience; whereas at 50 years old each day is a 182,625th of your past experience. As the years roll on the fractions get smaller so seem to go by faster.

Why should each day be enjoyed? Well, my dad lived to 80 - 29220 days. I'm 59 so I've already lived some 21,800. Unless I outlive my dad it doesn't seem like that many days to go any more so every day I smile all day long ^_^

Fair point well said blue. That's something i read in a rather saucy book.:laugh:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I get home last night at 10PM after spending most of the day with my mum at hospital in Birmingham as she went back in yesterday for the next bout of chemo. Open front door and it feels a bit odd, go to lock the door and the bloody locking system has jammed :cursing:. No amount of fiddling and messing with it sorts it and so locksmith had to be called out.

He managed a temporary fix at 11:20PM. Bottom locking point totally shot and so he had to saw that off and refit as a 2 point locking system until he can get replacement.

Really think someone has it in for us at the moment :sad:
Oh.:sad: Just think about the Lakes. Not long now.:thumbsup:


Leg End Member
Spare a cuppa!
Big Mug.jpg


Leg End Member
:laugh:I stand by the 7 then. I think. Maybe. Possibly. Perhaps. Sort of. I'm not sure?
Well I count nine!


Leg End Member
Your perception of time will, in part, be governed by previous experience of time - so just think of the maths. When you were 5 years old each day was a 1,826th of your past experience; whereas at 50 years old each day is a 182,625th of your past experience. As the years roll on the fractions get smaller so seem to go by faster.

Why should each day be enjoyed? Well, my dad lived to 80 - 29220 days. I'm 59 so I've already lived some 21,800. Unless I outlive my dad it doesn't seem like that many days to go any more so every day I smile all day long ^_^
But most kids didn't want to go to school, and when you're doing something you don't want to do time slows down!
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