Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
Maverick hasn't gone yet.
You certain?


Leg End Member
Off to bed now. Night night classic. Sweet dreams.:hello:
Sithi, and don't forget:
Under The Bed.jpg

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Goodnight GA. See you tomorrow. :hello:


Legendary Member
I'm taking a break from cycle chat, probably permanently. I have always been wary of internet chat rooms and swore blind I'd never join one. @Rickshaw Phil encouraged me to join this one and I used to enjoy it as it was lighthearted fun, but recently it had become nothing more than arguments and drivel on most threads and I have far more important things going on in my life at the moment which puts things into perspective. Happy cycling to the friendly ones that are left on here


Leg End Member
I'm taking a break from cycle chat, probably permanently. I have always been wary of internet chat rooms and swore blind I'd never join one. @Rickshaw Phil encouraged me to join this one and I used to enjoy it as it was lighthearted fun, but recently it had become nothing more than arguments and drivel on most threads and I have far more important things going on in my life at the moment which puts things into perspective. Happy cycling to the friendly ones that are left on here
Hope you come back. I don't think you're alone in what you've said. If you can't offer an answer, then argue your way out seems to hold true more & more.
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