Tea? (Part 2)

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Über Member
Not bad you? Just sprained my rist this evening


N Ireland
Being grumpy was them being nice. You never wanted to make them mad. that's for sure.
The school I went to was beside a convent and when I was in fifth form our room overlooked a path between our college chapel and the convent. Every now and again a priest would be spotted walkig towards the convent - probably to hear confessions but we all enjoyed hanging out the windows yelling "we know what you're after" as long and as loud as we could! It produced a few red faces on the priests - possibly due more to guilt than embarrassment.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Oh dear. that isn;t good. Sorry there is no more cake left. Classic, Blue Rickshaww Phil and traindriver must have eaten it all, greedy little piglets that they are. Hope your wrist gets better soon.


N Ireland
All this talk of priests and nuns reminds me of our one and only sex education class in 5th form. A young priest, just out of the Seminary, came to give the lecture. He stood talking with a face like a beetroot for about half an hour and then asked if anyone had any questions. The only part of the lecture and Q & A session that I recall is a guy from west Belfast sticking his hand up and asking "Father, is it a sin to take a girl up an alley?" I recall all the boys dissolving in laughter and the priest going so red I thought his head was going to explode. Ah yes, happy days.


Leg End Member

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
We didnt have sex education. It was banned. The only thing we ever did was to disect frogs in biology. We were so ignorant it was downright imoral to be honest. We knew absolutely nothing about anything. Appalling to be 15 years old and be so naive.


Über Member
Lmao guys, the wrist serves me right.
In re we had a Deacon come in and we had a q and a session a goods mate of mine asked him if it was a sin to pleasure himself and also what if the other monks or priests were found in homosexual acts.. He was in a fair bit of trouble for that but the deacon was red with laughter, anger and guilt?


N Ireland
Some priest do have a sense of humour and can be very funny.
Oh I don't know. There is a brand of processed meat products called Denny's in Ireland and their commercials used to have a wee tune that went "Ding dong Denny". We had a curate in our parish called Father Denny and he was flippin' livid every time I shouted "Hiya Ding Dong" to him in the street.
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