welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Whatever I can get
I,ve worked through very long list of completely unrelated jobs (many of which are unusal and not typical).
Have an of them been interesting?
Whatever I can get
I,ve worked through very long list of completely unrelated jobs (many of which are unusal and not typical).
Most of my "traveling" (which really means moving) has been ...... just because. When I was in my 20's, all my belongings fit into a duffle bag just so I could go wherever I wanted, whenever.
Any specialist transferable skills, that can get you a job wherever you go. How is the employment market in the USA and Canada. The news over here seems to imply that the USA is struggling once you get away from the glitzy image. The unknown places in the middle of no where seem to be badly hit. I seem to think that Canada didn't get hit by the recession quite so badly.
That is terrible for you. What about your boyfriend. Does he work?Whatever "glitzy" you hear about it purely propoganda (I have no idea why). Anything seen on TV is typically in reguards to what we call the 1%ers; the greedy filthy rich that the rest of us could care less about. Most places were hit hard in the US.... all because of those 1 and 2 percenter's and their fake "own your brand new dream home" scheme. I saw it coming and now those same companies are either completely gone or just about, and they took a lot of companies with them when the went bankrupt.
15 years ago , I could walk into just about any place posting Help Wanted and have a job the same day. It isn't like that anymore. I haven't been able to find full time stable decent paying work in 7 years.
Sounds like you would be good with the surfing community![]()
Whatever "glitzy" you hear about it purely propoganda (I have no idea why). Anything seen on TV is typically in reguards to what we call the 1%ers; the greedy filthy rich that the rest of us could care less about. Most places were hit hard in the US.... all because of those 1 and 2 percenter's and their fake "own your brand new dream home" scheme. I saw it coming and now those same companies are either completely gone or just about, and they took a lot of companies with them when the went bankrupt.
15 years ago , I could walk into just about any place posting Help Wanted and have a job the same day. It isn't like that anymore. I haven't been able to find full time stable decent paying work in 7 years.
He's a contractor (stone mason) but he hhas major medical problems and can't work like he needs to. I was working for him. It is the main reason I am moving.That is terrible for you. What about your boyfriend. Does he work?
What a shame. I hope you have better luck. It's Texas your going to isn't It ? Was there any particular reason for moving there or is it a case of just wanting warmer weather?
Certain? You may be dreaming.Afternoon. Had a rest, now awake![]()
There were a number of factors in choosing the next place;
1) metropolis for more opportunities (Houston is the 4th largest city in the US)
2) cost of living (Houston is extremely low cost, I thought the rentalin postings on CL were a joke they were so low.... but really the housing is that cheap )
3) weather, I hate the cold especially when cycling
4)not so far of a drive that it's going to cost more then I have (Houston is just under 1000 miles)
5) relatively flat since I'm so out of shape and will be using the bicycle for my only transportation
I know as well!!God knows.
I know as well!!