Im Aries. Imagine that.

typical. Much ?
But are you a true Aries?
Are you a true Aries?
Star signs are related to both positive and negative characteristics in a person. Arians are commonly known as; Adventurous, Energetic, Confident, Selfish, Impatient Daredevils. Arians are also said to make good leaders, and will likely inspire others with their courage, creativity, and strong personalities.
Astrologers compare the characteristics of each star sign to work out which signs are likely to be compatible with each other, in terms of friendship and relationships. They also relate this to the elements.
Fire signs should get on best with other fire signs (Leo and Sagittarius) or Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius).
Taking the belief back to nature, water will drown a fire and earth smothers it. So it was predicted that the star signs under water and earth elements won't be compatible with Aries.