Tea? (Part 2)

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somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Father, now the night has come,
all my work and play are done.
This has been a happy day,
now I come to you and pray.
Bless the children everywhere,
keep us in your loving care,
while we sleep and while we wake,
bless us all for Jesus' sake.

Say your prayers little one
don't forget my son
to include everyone
I tuck you in, warm within
keep you free from sin

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Can't say I've ever heard of it and like you got no results from a search. It's not something out of fantasy fiction is it?

Why yes, it certainly is. I don't like either of the main characters either.... big giant flakes of ummmmm....... something flakey, but bad flakey not like piie crust or croissants or something good.


Old git on old bikes
Hey @rbreid was that your picture, the one with the fish
Yes @welsh dragon 1992 On the Birse beat of the river Dee near Aboyne. The two gentlemen either side were the gillies on the beat.
Given the clothing and hair I'd say 1978 but then again your fashion prior to www was way different then here.
I have a photo of my brother and I circa 1972 where we could pass for Starsky and Hutch:laugh: Will post if you ask very very nicely:becool:


Old git on old bikes
Pleaseeeeeeee pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee kiss kiss kiss
Oh go on then, have a chuckle. Checkout the hairdo and shoes on my brother:rofl:
DSCF0457 (450x338).jpg

I've a feeling I may regret this:laugh:
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