Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well,I spent all afternoon doing filing. a heap of bank statements and stuff, and the stuff previously stored in some files that were too small, all into a couple of large lever-arch files. Didn't quite finish it all before I decided enough was enough and cooked dinner. There's just a little heap of remainders to deal with. Another day.

More :cuppa: soon, and a few of the Minstrels that found their way into my bag from NT's...


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
An American woman, curious about rumours she'd heard, asks a cheeky question of a Scotsman ...

"Tell me sir, is anything worn under the kilt?"

He glares back at the woman and replies ....

"Och no, madam, it is all in perfect working order!"


You left the 'h' off - Edinburgh!

I'm okay with the Edinburgh accent, but I struggle to understand the Glasgow accent. Glasgow is only about 45 miles from Edinburgh but the accents are very different. My mother came from only about 75 miles NW of Glasgow but she struggled with it too.

Considering my mother and all her siblings are from Glasgow as was Granny and also my husband you would think I would have been ok up there, for 6 months I smiled and nodded a lot at our next door neighbour when I was alone as I could not understand a word. If I was with hubby he would translate quietly.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Considering my mother and all her siblings are from Glasgow as was Granny and also my husband you would think I would have been ok up there, for 6 months I smiled and nodded a lot at our next door neighbour when I was alone as I could not understand a word. If I was with hubby he would translate quietly.
Thats what I was like whenever Rab C Nesbit was on. I would turn to Mr Dragon and Say, what did he say. It was a bit like saying are we there yet. Are we there yet. Couldn't understand a bloomin word.


Legendary Member
Good news for Yorkshire Tea drinkers, Costco are doing a 480 bag for £5.89. Now I know that's only a weeks supply for some of you! :cuppa:


Vice Admiral
:secret: In the evenings, I drink Yorkshire decaffinated tea. :blush:

Bob and Tasha are getting on much better now. They can not only be in the same room, but within a metre of each other without too much shouting. I make sure that Tasha can eat her meals in peace without a young cat bobbing about near her.
Bob has also had several forays outside. ^_^ He got so wet outside this morning, that I had to try and dry the worst off with an old towel.

:secret: Later this week he is going to the Vet for his second set of injections.


West Somerset
Bob and Tasha are getting on much better now. They can not only be in the same room, but within a metre of each other without too much shouting. I make sure that Tasha can eat her meals in peace without a young cat bobbing about near her.
Bob has also had several forays outside. ^_^ He got so wet outside this morning, that I had to try and dry the worst off with an old towel.

:secret: Later this week he is going to the Vet for his second set of injections.
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