Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?

Tea Please


Leg End Member
I have done my maternal grandfathers side quite well the maternal grandmothers howevers is in bloody annoying scotland records, bloody annoying system... oh and I have given up on my paternal side... bloody useless the family that is not on holiday can't even decide on what my Grandfathers name was


Leg End Member

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
SSold lots of stuff this week. Finally found where the yellow jacket nest was and now they are dead and gone. Must have killed well over 500 of them. Was a huge nest under the floor. Painting the bedroom and desided since I have a bit of insulation left can do one wall in there. Better than nothing!

Started a great new series, takes place in future Austrailia. Took me 4 books before I understood a bench means the same thing as a kichen counter..... geesh
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