Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
:hello: Morning all! Beaucoup de pluie aujourd'hui.

I want to ride in today. Think I might go as soon as it stops and ride in the gap on the radar picture. So time for another :cuppa:.
Wouldn't riding your bike on the road be better!!


Leg End Member
I've got an early trip into London. So it's a good job that all that :rain: woke me up (not)
We have alarm clocks that do the very same thing, up here. Maybe you should buy one the next time you're up here!

Your train will be five minutes late by the way. Your kettle has been "talking".

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Morning everyone. Its been raining all night and the wind has been quite bad. It's stopped raining, for now. Its on the cool side as well. Tea anyone. ?


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Watch out @Mattonsea I have found a new money making opportunity for you.

Cow colestrum ( think that's how it's spelt) is being used to help potential athletes for Rio.

Get in quick and sell high !

I would imagine human colostrum would be more beneficial being tailor made for human beings but I doubt they would have many women willing to supply as readily as poor moo cows :laugh:
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