Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair

Back in sunny Manchester, waterproofs have been well used the last few days :rain:

Saw Rocky today :whistle:

tea pics.jpg

And @coffeejo's bike was parked outside :thumbsup:

tea pic 2.jpg


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Number 3 grandchild is playing rugby after school so granny (thats me) has to go and get him at 4.30. Taxi anyone. ?

Yep Squidge is football this evening so 4.30 pick up for him too, User76 is all collected from pre-school.... the Mummy what nearly squished me earlier's Mummy was collecting her child and said "my daughter wanted me to say sorry for nearly knocking you off your bike earlier she was not looking properly when she answered her phone"

:eek: I did not know whether to :laugh: or :cry:


I have been hankering to do a Welsh top-to-bottom for some years.
Start at my Aunts place, and finish at my Dads. And drop in on @Plax as I pass Snowdonia.
Only problem is it'd be bound to rain. Well, that and I'd keel over on one of the climbs, of which there are loads...

I've not long cycled from Cardiff to home actually on the Lon Las Cymru route (camping). You'll be pleased to know there was some epic hills and the last two days it rained. The last day in particular was horrific. I have never been so tired, wet through and tortured before in my life. I still bare the psychological scars of that day.
Oh no O nt gd:tongue:

I am drinking a side car:laugh:

If so


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
The keys not working on my laptop keyboard include one used in my passwords... Fortunately. a USB keyboard works. NT washed the laptop keyboard (yes, he took it out! well, I hope he did!) last night, and said it made a good soup, even had tiny croutons. That's what comes from eating my dinner in front of the computer. We'll see if that's helped once it's properly dry.
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