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- My Armchair
So, TVC gets hot water again just as @wolly breaks her kettle, ying and yang in perfect harmony again
The weather has been weird lately.........mostly cold and rainy with sunny afternoons.......and we never watch the weather forecasts,weather reporterslike classiccan't be trusted
Evening all
Come on, what's a couple of thousand of kilometres between friends
The weather has been weird lately.........mostly cold and rainy with sunny afternoons.......and we never watch the weather forecasts,weather reporterslike classiccan't be trusted
Maybe a little bit. I don't know how many of us in the UK would be happy with what you call hot, so it evens out. Just for the record it's warmed up to 14C here, has been raining and is now pretty blustery.19C
I know,I know............I'm a wuss
That's summer around here
No, you can't!!Blimey i have missed it all whilst i have been out gossiping and eating cake
I suppose we had better fill some buckets up before TVC and Lu drain the national reservoirs for their bath as i am sure they will not want to get out and keep topping it up.
Can i just add that it is 29 degrees in Tunisia and it will be 30 all next week
This is why women shouldn't try to do too many things at once, no concentration at all when there's cake aboutOK OK i got distracted by the thought of cake