Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
I'm away to my sick bed, try not to worry about me too much :whistle: :hello:
I'm away to my sick bed, try not to worry about me too much :whistle: :hello:
We won't.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Watch out for
Aaaargh - it's The Grim Cheeper! :eek:


The pro cycling season has just about finished for 2013, so now I won't have a lot of sweaty men on bicycles to watch every evening, I decided to start catching up on some of the classic TV series that I have missed out on over the years.

Get this ... The local library charge the same price for DVD collections as for single DVDs!

I now have the first series of The Killing to watch over the next week, for the extortionate sum of ...

... £1.60!!!! :bravo:


Evening all. Day 3 of my diet and I'm into the swing of things. Was very grumpy yesterday and missing my crisp fix, but today much better.

I used map my ride on the way home and it says I got home in 32 minutes, which seems impossible - it used to take me about 45 minutes before the near death experience. Not sure why but I seem to be getting fitter. Life begins at 40 and all that.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
A somewhat chilly WNRttP, but a warm ride back, courtesy of two pints of Speckled Hen.
And, is it just me, or does it seem like anyone who uses the term Political Correctness is just demanding their self-appointed right to be an objectionable bigoted arsewipe?
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