Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Yes I need tea and Hello @KEEF :hello::welcome:

I'm shattered after a day of Mum volunteering to pop me quickly over to Dunelm Mills to pick up a new "pot" for User76 for pre-school, at 9.30 this morning.

Which in reality was we just need to go into this post office to sort a few things out as I am working there Thursday and I know we are doing the big shopping tomorrow but can we also go to Makro today as I need lots and we will not fit big shopping and Makro in the car on one day oh look it is just after lunch lets stop and have lunch and we must stop at everywhere and have tea every five minutes and then the loos to wee every 5 minutes. and Jock is at home today isn't he? will he pick Samuel up from school if you are not home, he will? oh good, we shall just stop here for another cup of tea then and then we shall go to mine so you can lift the 20 KG sack of potatoes out the boot & the 25kg sack of sugar before your father gets home because he won't manage.

So I got home 1/2 hour ago! The only upside is Maggie decided Nana was the best best ever and was a limpet ot her not me so much so she pleaded with tears and hugs and big blue eyes with Nana to be allowed to stay so far Nana has agreed to dinner then she has to come home, it is 50/50 at the moment whether she cons Nana into an overnight stay or not.

I do, however, have a nice shiney food processor that was half price and does all sorts of whizzy things :wub:

P.S. I left my sanity on the mantle this morning


Midlands UK


What the :eek:


Midlands UK
I know a lot of people think she's a bit po-faced, but I quite like her and think she's a very attractive millionairess.

Didn't realise she had such a great sense of humour


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Yes I need tea and Hello @KEEF :hello::welcome:

I'm shattered after a day of Mum volunteering to pop me quickly over to Dunelm Mills to pick up a new "pot" for User76 for pre-school, at 9.30 this morning.

Which in reality was we just need to go into this post office to sort a few things out as I am working there Thursday and I know we are doing the big shopping tomorrow but can we also go to Makro today as I need lots and we will not fit big shopping and Makro in the car on one day oh look it is just after lunch lets stop and have lunch and we must stop at everywhere and have tea every five minutes and then the loos to wee every 5 minutes. and Jock is at home today isn't he? will he pick Samuel up from school if you are not home, he will? oh good, we shall just stop here for another cup of tea then and then we shall go to mine so you can lift the 20 KG sack of potatoes out the boot & the 25kg sack of sugar before your father gets home because he won't manage.

So I got home 1/2 hour ago! The only upside is Maggie decided Nana was the best best ever and was a limpet ot her not me so much so she pleaded with tears and hugs and big blue eyes with Nana to be allowed to stay so far Nana has agreed to dinner then she has to come home, it is 50/50 at the moment whether she cons Nana into an overnight stay or not.

I do, however, have a nice shiney food processor that was half price and does all sorts of whizzy things :wub:

P.S. I left my sanity on the mantle this morning

Blimey I'm shattered just reading that!

I got home at 4.45, and sat down to eat my tea at 6.30 and all the intervening time was spent finishing off my blackberry and apple jelly and pickled gherkin:



There's actually another jar of jelly, it escaped the photo.

This burst of farmhouse kitchenry leaves me with a problem. Where am I going to put it all!?!? My cupboards are limited. NT may have to take a couple of jars home with him this weekend.

On the other hand, I've done a deal to swap a jar or two of jelly with my workmate who's recently made a batch of chutney....

Now I've got a lot of labels to write out...


Blimey I'm shattered just reading that!

I got home at 4.45, and sat down to eat my tea at 6.30 and all the intervening time was spent finishing off my blackberry and apple jelly and pickled gherkin:

View attachment 29076

View attachment 29077

There's actually another jar of jelly, it escaped the photo.

This burst of farmhouse kitchenry leaves me with a problem. Where am I going to put it all!?!? My cupboards are limited. NT may have to take a couple of jars home with him this weekend.

On the other hand, I've done a deal to swap a jar or two of jelly with my workmate who's recently made a batch of chutney....

Now I've got a lot of labels to write out...

Is jelly the same as jam? Either way, :hungry:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Yummm @Arch blackberry & apple jelly, I have just finished stewing the 5kg of PYO Victoria Plums I had bestowed on me this weekend I was going to do plum Jam but today's expedition stopped that so now they are just stewed & will be frozen in batches ready for pies, crumble, underneath semolina and some will be pureed for natural yoghurt topping too - The boys have had lots of sausage sammiches for dinner with big hunks of gingerbread after... I can't decide what I shall eat probably some cornflakes
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