Tea? (Part 2)

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Spent from 5 until way after 1am at A+E with my mum getting her checked out after her GP insisted she went straight to the RVI. Took 4 blood tests before the resident doctor came back and said all clear and she could go home! [Started to wonder at one point if it was to make up for M-in-L getting all the 'attention' over the last couple of weeks...]
You see some sights in A+E at midnight! Most of them with two police constables in tow.


I believe she had to call wolly for help :whistle:

Don't know where this northern sun is that Sarah is talking about, cloudy and dull in the proper north :unsure:
Yes its gone in now, and I'm freezing!

My walk in the park with my preggers friend was cuct a bit short when we got accosted by a mentally ill man. Started off nice enough, but then started to get a bit nasty, so we made our excuses and left.


Leg End Member
I'm back home....flight was rerouted over Germany because of those pesky Frenchies being on strike. Got in 15 mins late but sailed (??? or perhaps flew) through passport control and am now having a nice :cuppa: at home.

The only awkward moment was nearly getting kidnapped by the Kings College meet and greet team at arrivals in Terminal 5. They were on the look out for shy home-sick freshers arriving in the UK for the first time. I was holding a KCL bag (kindly donated by No 2 son a couple of weeks ago) full of dirty washing. But I managed to talk my way out of the kidnap situation :laugh: bless their cotton socks.
You were showing as having landed only 1 minute late, which isn't that late is it?
Scheduled Arrival time: 09:35, Actual Arrival time: 09:36.
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