Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
We have a power cut I am glad I invested in a big UPS for all my PC and broadband stuff.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I have to apologise ... I didn't realise that we were supposed to update this thread first, and then watch the Vuelta highlights, so I accidentally went about it the other way round!

I'm seeing a psychologist at the moment, the experience has caused me a few little wobbles, it seems to have taken away my belief in my own immortality :laugh:. So as an example, as I went to bed last night feeling a bit poorly, I hardly slept at all cos I was so worried that I was going to deteriorate in my sleep. I kept a bedside vigil for myself!
I'm sorry to hear that, Sara, but I understand - I went through a similar thing myself.

My symptoms were awful a year ago - I would lie in bed at night struggling for oxygen, my resting heart rate often being as high as 150 bpm, my heart rhythm would go crazy so it felt like I had a bird trapped inside my ribcage, and then I would get random sharp stabbing pains in my chest. Every night for several months, I was sure that I would die before dawn; I felt extremely mortal - it is not a good feeling at all ... :thumbsdown:

I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:


Puzzle game procrastinator!

I was just dropping the hint to various peeps on here, that I would be watching it later, just in case @Biscuit came back and told me what happened.
I was only joking - I thought some of you might be alarmed at my non-appearance earlier! (And that was a joke too ... :laugh:)

The second highlights show on Eurosport Player is often on at a funny time for me - a bit too late, or not late enough.
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