Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Fair enough. Didn't know that was still available, for general use that is.

Yes you can still get massive long bars of it (good for doing armpits at a distance) from The Apocathery
in their shop in Lyndhurst I don't think they sell it online, Mum still scrubs her kitchen floor with it it is only a pound or so for a whole Kilo of carbolic!

:hello: Morning, the small people are revolting this morning the toast bread has "bits" in which eldest says feels like eating teeth? The youngest has seen squirty cream in the fridge (apparently they had it on holiday with the G.Parents) and wants it on her milk! The instructions eat it or starve & I don't think so young lady have been given and now to :cuppa: for me.


Morning All :hello: Defiantly cold and wet here in north London :cold: Nearly put the central heating on.
I had to sit wrapped up in a blanket last night whilst watching What Remains. :cold:

Still, I am a little bit poorly. My niggly virus has turned into a urinary tract infection. :sweat: Just waiting for 830, when I can join hundreds of others who want to ring the GP for an appointment. :blink:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I had to sit wrapped up in a blanket last night whilst watching What Remains. :cold:

Still, I am a little bit poorly. My niggly virus has turned into a urinary tract infection. :sweat: Just waiting for 830, when I can join hundreds of others who want to ring the GP for an appointment. :blink:

Ow ow ow ow ow ow! :hugs:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Put your vest on that will help.:hyper:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I have NO heating on and i have a window open. Yes its grey, yuck and raining but my thermostat shows 22 degrees.

Phil you are not selling Yorkshire:stop:

I just had my chimney lined so I thought I would test it and check it is all ok .............. that is my excuse and I am sticking to it .......... oh and it is cold.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Tea? In the morning?

Wish it were cold here! Still have months of heat and humidity yet

Ok ok don't rub it in. Im in the South and i'm nowhere near needing the heating yet but i would swap what we have with your heat any day. Just having the sun out makes such a difference and we have had a fantastic summer.

:cuppa: is good in any weather
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