Tea? (Part 2)

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Funnily enough, I was going to cook curry, but have changed to Chilli, as we have a dog end of red wine to use up.

We've had an intensive afternoon mooching about in York, drinking coffee and discussing wedding plans and logistics.
Wedding plans and a road haulage business, strange pairing


Dons nurses uniform.

:cuppa: 4 Wol


This is us we're talking about!

I meant wedding logistics. One of the problems of living on opposite sides of the country is transporting the over there contingent to over here, preferably without the groom having to drive to and fro on the day!
Rocky and I could run a shuttle service giving people croggies on our bikes.


It's the Les-tah word for giving someone a ride on your crossbar (and by extension, rack or handlebars...)

Les-tah is a vibrant dialect, characterised mainly by reducing things to an -y ending and forgetting to close your mouth at the end of the sentence
Also forgetting to close your mouth whilst eating.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Funny you should ask..............no, I've just had the last slice (pudding was needed after the curry)

:eek: today i have failed !


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We have a small amount of jam slice left, but we won't have once NT is out of the shower...

Veggie chilli for dinner (well, I say chilli, there were no beans in it, it was more like a chilli variety of curry if you see what I mean.), with rice and tortillas, and guacamole, salsa and sour cream (courtesy of a triple pack of dips....) and roasted smoked paprika butternut squash seeds.

NT bravely did the washing up, which I'd kept to just below apocalyptic levels this time.
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