Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
:hello:. Back on the coffee. Morning!


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
On our last night on tour in Holland (Egmond aan Zee) I drank a bottle of very cheap Chilean sauvignon - it set my heart racing at about 120 bpm - it doesn't normally go at that rate when I climb Buttertubs. So I've come to the conclusion that if you want to get truly fit, drink cheap wine.

That's fits with the Wiggos diet you are on then doesn't it :-)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sometimes coffee has to be the first drink of the day. I miss the breakfast absinthe while on tour though.
Well, they do say that absinthe makes the heart grow fonder ... :whistle:
On our last night on tour in Holland (Egmond aan Zee) I drank a bottle of very cheap Chilean sauvignon - it set my heart racing at about 120 bpm - it doesn't normally go at that rate when I climb Buttertubs. So I've come to the conclusion that if you want to get truly fit, drink cheap wine.
120 bpm is racing? Even before I got ill, my heart rate would be higher than that riding on the flat! I think my heart hit over 180 bpm when I climbed Buttertubs.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Well, they do say that absinthe makes the heart grow fonder ... :whistle:

I used that pun in an absinthe induced drunken text from the Czech Republic to my wife. She gave it an eight out of ten.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I thought a combine 'arvester was any machine that cuts down a crop and separates the grain from chaff. I guess it depends if it was separating the seed from the stalks. But it looks like a combine. I don't think size matters. As the bishop said to the actress.


Vice Admiral
Perhaps I am thinking of the vehicle that cuts the straw and bales it. :scratch: The farmer grows wheat in that field most years, and oil seed rape about every four years. I say "field", it is sort of four enormouse fields joined together, which takes him two days to cut.

For the next few days there will be enor mouses in the garden.
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